Page 9 of Bespelled

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“Go away, Jules,” she muttered, shoving him away. “I blocked you for a reason.”

He chuckled, low and dark. “Did you? It still rings when I call your phone.”

She stopped and spun to scowl at him. “I don’t want anything to do with you.”

My mate was fierce when she needed to be. I couldn’t help the tug of pride. I opened my senses, finding the darkness I’d seen around her and watching. “Aww, babe, don’t be like that,” he said and moved in again, trying to take her arm.

“No,” she said, but she stumbled and he pulled her against him. The darkness that looped around her was attached to this young man. I growled softly. This witch had done something to her.

“We are promised,” Jules murmured, stroking her hair.

She put her palms flat against his chest and pushed him away. “I’d rather be alone.”

“But you weren’t alone last night,” Jules snarled. “You went out with some idiot last night.” The darkness around her seemed to grow with his anger, weaving them closer.

Toni glared at him. “None of your business, Jules.”

“Did you sleep with him?”

“Really none of your business.”

Jules raised a threatening hand, and the dark magic swirled around it in my enhanced vision.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I raced over and planted my fist in the middle of the young man’s chest. He flew backwards against the brick wall with a startled yelp.

Toni’s hand flew to her chest, and she gaped at me. “Gideon?”


Despite the force of Gideon’s blow knocking him into the brick, Jules seemed fine, because he came back with a magic enhanced punch right into Gideon’s nose. Bluish blood spurted from it, and I gasped as. I tossed up a quick look away spell.

“Gideon are you okay?” I rushed forward and put my hands on Jules, checking him over for injuries.

“Get away from him, Toni,” Gideon said.

Jules smirked.

I forced myself to turn to Gideon. Why was this so hard? It was like my mind was saying one thing and my body was saying another. “This isn’t your fight.”

“That’s right,” Jule said, slinging an arm around my shoulder. I flinched. “Toni’s my girlfriend, so just back off, gargoyle.”

I scowled at Jules. “I am not your girlfriend.” Then my brow furrowed. How had Jules known he was a gargoyle? Apparently he’d been doing a lot more magical studies than I had. Of course, Jules' dad, Luther, was the head of the coven. To be honest, I’d been avoiding the coven since I decided to end things with Jules.

“Remove your hands from my . . . Toni,” Gideon ground out. He’d swiped the back of his hand across his broken nose, and it smeared the strange blood across his cheek.

I wanted to step toward him, to take him away to treat his injuries, but I couldn’t seem to move. My heart ached. Unlike Jules, I actually liked Gideon. The sex had been amazing, and he was a good person. “I’m sorry,” I said, frustration leaking through my words.

“Didn’t she tell you,” Jules continued with a big shit-eating grin, “we’re promised.”

Putting all my magic behind it, I shoved Jules away and he stumbled to the ground. “We’re not together, asshole.”

Gideon’s lip quirked into a smile.

I grinned back, but Jules was already getting to his feet. I tried to walk toward Gideon, but I couldn’t seem to move. I swore under my breath. What the hell was going on? I looked back and forth between the two guys and I didn’t know what to do.

Gideon set his gaze determinedly, and he rushed toward me, his wings unfurling. Jules shot something through the air, a flash of gold, but we were gone before it landed. The air rushed by me, whipping through my hair and tossing it in all directions. The chill in the air increased the higher we went, but Gideon pulled me close to his body, enfolding me in his warmth.

As much as I was thrilled to get away from Jules and his nonsense, the gargoyle had just kidnapped me off of campus. Now we were flying who-knows-where, and he didn’t show any signs of stopping.
