Page 111 of Wayward Souls

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“Come on Riot, please. Just one more,” I ask sweetly.

“Fine sweetness. But take it easy on a guy, damn.”

Hannah clasps her hands together, “Ok, I want you to get out of his hold first. Remember what to do when he grabs you from behind.”

Riot wraps his large arms around me from behind, squeezing my biceps against my body. My instinct is to kick and flail like I’ve done before, but I take a deep breath and remember what Hannah taught me. Allowing my entire body to fall limp, I become dead weight in his arms. His grip slips and I reach behind me, finding his knees. Quickly I wrap my arms around his knees and pull, making him stumble and we both fall down. I escape his grasp quickly and move behind him, where I jump on his back, wrapping my arm around his neck. Moving quickly, I get him into the headlock that Hannah taught me, and we both fall to the ground.

Riot starts dramatically tapping out, and we collapse on the floor of Travis’s penthouse in a fit of laughter.

“Seriously Spence, you’ve done good today.”

“You really have girl. You’re a natural with shooting and even if you don’t have all the moves down pat, you’re a fucking scrapper,” Hannah quips as she walks over to the refrigerator.

The door opening and closing catches my attention, and Travis’s voice filters through the room, “You guys decide to redecorate or something while I was gone?”

“Something like that,” Hannah laughs as she walks over to me and Riot, handing us bottles of water as we lay on the floor entirely spent.

“Spencer’s a bit of a badass, who would have known?” Riot laughs as I push myself up onto my elbows.

“Oh yeah?” Travis asks, raising an eyebrow and eyeing me with a devastating, panty melting gaze. I’ll never understand how he turns me into such a fucking mess with just one look.

“Yeah, wanna try and attack me?” I laugh, waggling my eyebrows and setting the water down.

“Show me what you got red,” he chuckles, stepping up next to me and extending his hand. As I place my palm in his, he wraps his fingers around mine, pulling me to my feet.

As I stand up, I turn to face away from him, getting my feet where I want them to be, but he comes at me fast, wrapping one large forearm across my chest and his opposite hand over my mouth, pulling my head to his chest.

I’m more than a little unprepared for the move, but I guess out in the real world, an attacker isn’t going to give me time to get the jump on them. Slackening my body, I fall limp in his arms, but Travis is fucking huge, so I dangle from his grasp like a rag doll.

Since I can’t reach his knees or ankles, I remember the other move Hannah told me about. Reaching one hand back, I claw at his neck until my fingertips graze his earlobe, then I grip and pull forward. It’s enough to get him to drop me, and I scramble between his legs, climbing up his back.

As I wrap one arm around his neck, I wrap my legs around his waist. Remembering the steps, I climb into place and squeeze hard, trying to touch my elbows. Travis sinks to his knees and just when I think he’s going to tap out, he rolls me over his shoulder and my back hits the floor, momentarily stealing the air from my lungs. Hovering his face over mine, he looks down at me and drags his teeth over his bottom lip.

My heart rate instantly shoots through the roof, and I wonder how I’m ever supposed to be in the same room as him without ruining my panties every goddamn time. All the time we spent apart deprived both of us of the magnetic force between us. Every time we’re near each other, our bodies pull together and it’s unstoppable.

In tandem with my heavy breathing, my chest rises and falls rapidly. Someone clears their throat and I’m reminded that we are’t alone.

“We are just gonna head out,” Riot says.

Travis never takes his eyes off of me, “Ok. Check your messages for details, both of you. Shoot me a text if you have questions. We convene tomorrow night at the warehouse.”

His lips graze over mine and as I close my eyes, silently begging for him to press them down, he pulls away.

“Come here,” he whispers as he pushes to his feet and leaves the room.

Scrambling to stand, I follow him to the bedroom like a lost puppy, excited and craving his attention.

Stopping at the edge of the mattress, he spins around on one heel to face me. Looking up at him I take in the warm, honey brown hues of his eyes, and the way they drip with desire for me. Pressing both of my hands to his chest, I silently plead him with just a look.

Leaning forward, he brushes his lips against my ear and my body trembles.

“Knees,” he orders.

Without hesitation, I lower myself to my knees, resting at his feet. A strong desire to obey his every command pulsates through my veins. The fact of the matter is, as much as I once craved control and independence, I’d do anything he asks of me. Anything to make him utter the words that I’m his. Because belonging to this possessive, dominating man is the only thing that makes me feel alive.

Bending down, he trails the back of his index finger down my cheek, stopping to tilt my chin until I’m staring up at him once more. “Do you want to be mine red?”

“Yes sir,” I whisper, and I have no fucking idea where this is coming from, but the words leave my lips and there is no taking it back now.
