Page 55 of Undercover Emissary

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“I’m sure I’ll be assigned to something else.”



“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“What else will you be assigned to?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged and looked to her left.

It was a slight tell, but I was trained to recognize it. Ali fucking lied to me—again. I felt the muscles in my shoulders tense, and I was about to get out of bed and storm back to my apartment. But was that who I was? I didn’t walk away when someone lied to me. I called them out on it.

“Let’s try that again, but with the truth this time.”

Instead of me getting out of bed and storming off, Ali did. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. Maybe she expected that when she came out, I’d be gone, but I wouldn’t be. As crazy as it was, I cared about Ali Graham. I wanted this thing between us to work, and that meant, instead of lying, we needed to handle what we could and couldn’t tell each other differently.

When I heard water come on, I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom door, relieved to find she hadn’t locked it. When I opened it, she was getting into the tub. Since I was already naked, I walked over and climbed in too. I didn’t sit behind her; we were going to face each other and have this conversation.



Cope wrapped his hand around my ankle and brought my foot to the middle of his chest. I loved seeing his hands on me. Feeling them too. I didn’t like him crawling inside of my head, though. I closed my eyes and focused on his fingers digging into the arch of my foot.

The worst part was, if I told Jessica I felt like I was in over my head with him, she’d encourage me to keep going.

“Ali,” I heard him murmur.

I tried to wrench my foot away, but he held on. “I’m not letting go.”

“Even if I drown?”

“Especially if you do.”

I opened my eyes and studied him. “I can’t talk to you about my work, Cope.”

“There will be times I can’t talk to you about mine either, but it isn’t necessary to lie about it.”

His fingertips trailed up the inside of my leg. “We can do this, Ali.”

I closed my eyes and slid farther down into the tub, gasping when he thrust his fingers inside of me. I could hear him moving in the water, his other hand on my knee then on my hip. He grabbed my waist with both hands, set me on the edge of the tub, and spread my legs.

“Open your eyes and look at me.”

I shook my head, refusing.

He brought his mouth to mine and kissed me. I wrapped my arm around his neck and, when he tried to pull back, held him tighter.

“You feel it too,” he murmured.

I wanted to deny it. I couldn’t. The attraction between us was more intense than anything I’d felt before. My eyes were still closed when he set me on my feet inside the tub, sat where I’d been sitting, and pulled my thighs so I straddled him.

“Come on, Ali,” he growled. “Fuck me.” I opened my eyes and saw he’d rolled on a condom. Positioning himself at my entrance, he eased me onto him. When I started to move, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me still. Bending down, he sucked my nipple into his mouth.

“I need to move,” I groaned.
