Page 76 of Undercover Emissary

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“You’re mine,” I groaned as I came.

“And you’re mine.”

We’d been to my parents’ house for dinner every Sunday we were in DC rather than at Ali’s house in California. Tonight would be different, though. Our friends would be there too, giving me the chance to tell those who meant the most to me, that Ali had agreed to become my wife.

“Ready?” I asked when I pulled up to the door. Several cars were lining the street in front of the house.

Ali was studying her engagement ring. “Did I tell you how much I love it?”

“Maybe twenty or thirty times.”

While I grabbed the box of champagne we’d brought with us, Ali carried the vase of flowers she always brought my mother when we visited. The second time she’d done so, I told her it wasn’t necessary: my parents had beautiful gardens.

“I don’t feel right arriving empty-handed, Cope,” she told me. “It isn’t polite.”

I smiled then, and now, remembering how Ali had said she didn’t feel right, using a restaurant’s restroom without purchasing something. She’d bought me a piece of pie that morning, and shortly after, a car had rammed into my car while she was driving it.

When I reached for the door’s handle, Ali covered my hand with hers. I raised my brow and looked into her eyes.

“Happy memories today, Cope.”

“Happy memories,” I murmured in answer.

It was uncanny how my future wife always seemed to notice when I thought about how I’d almost lost her, sometimes before I even realized I was thinking about it.

When I opened the door, I was stunned to see the living room just off the entryway was full. All of the people we’d expected to come, were there, along with many more we hadn’t anticipated seeing.

Along with Buck and Rock, Decker Ashford and the other Invincibles’ partners were there as were the team from another covert ops firm I’d worked with many times called K19 Security Solutions. I’d made sure Chloe could be here too, and loved the look of surprise on Ali’s face when she was the first person whose arms she ran into.

“We’re likely to start a bidding war,” said Kade Butler, founding partner of K19, when he stepped forward to shake my hand.

“He’s already ours,” said Decker Ashford.

Ali must’ve overheard the conversation and walked over to put her arm in mine. “He’s mine, Decker. All mine.”

“We’d be interested in both of you coming on board,” said Merrigan, Kade’s wife, former MI6 agent, and managing partner of K19. “However, I understand we’re celebrating a book release today.” Merrigan’s eyes focused on Ali’s ring finger. “That’s not all we’re celebrating.”

“Shh,” Ali whispered. “We haven’t told Cope’s parents yet.”

Merrigan smiled and nodded, clapping her hands in excitement.

“Speaking of my parents.” I didn’t see either of them.

Ali took my hand and led me into the kitchen, where we found my mom and dad. I deposited the case of champagne I’d had under my arm on the counter.

“There they are,” said my father, rushing over to hug Ali and then me. My mother was right behind him.

“What’s this?” he asked, pointing to the box.

“We have something extra to celebrate tonight.”

Ali thrust her hand, which had been behind her back, in my mother’s direction. She gasped, and her eyes filled with tears. My dad patted me on the back, his eyes misty like my mom’s were.

“We’d hoped this would happen soon,” my mom murmured, hugging Ali for the second time.

“We’re so happy for you,” said my dad, hugging me a second time too.

I heard someone behind me clear his throat and turned to see Irish in the doorway. The man was the closest thing I’d ever had to a brother.
