Page 88 of Pieces of Us

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“Okay. That’s fair.” He rubs his jaw where he’s starting to grow some stubble. It looks good on him. He looks good. Happy. I thought I finally had that, too. “Well, do you mind if I tell you one more thing about him? Something I think is important for you to know?”

I nod slowly. It might be a bad idea, but it’s the only one we’ve got. “Go ahead.”

“Alright. So, Nolan—Nolan was the best slave. I’ve seen a lot of them, right? So fucking many, I sometimes can’t sleep at night. But Nolan was different.” He puts a hand up. “Now, I’m not saying he was asking for any of the things that were done to him or that he deserved them or even that he genuinely liked them. What I will say is that Nolan was meant for the consensual version of that lifestyle. It was clear as fucking day. If he hadn’t been taken, he would have found his way to being a submissive—maybe even a consensual slave—on his own. I truly believe that.”

I take a breath, turning my gaze toward the window. There isn’t much to see out there right now since it’s so dark. Just a great expanse of nothing.

Maybe not nothing, that voice from before whispers. Maybe it’s potential.

“So, you’re saying I should try.”

“I think he needs it. I think if you want him to be happy and fulfilled, you’re going to have to try to find a way to give it to him.”

I don’t think there’s anything I want more than to see him happy and fulfilled.

Now I just have to figure out how the fuck to do it.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Maison and the rest of them come back from the trip late afternoon. It’s all happy reunions—minus Casey and Jake, since Casey went with them to get his revenge on the man who tortured him nearly to death before getting rescued by Jake. Travis grabs Carter and hikes him up into his arms, the two of them looking ready to go to town right then and there. Maison is a little less zealous as he approaches me, his expression somehow relieved and agonized at the same time. I’ve prepared myself for this, for things being weird between us, but it still hurts to actually experience it. He’s tentative when he touches me. His kiss is soft and closed-mouth. His eyes won’t meet mine.

“I missed you,” I murmur, my chest aching.

His smile is tight. Forced. “I missed you, too.”

I take it back, I don’t like this, I take it all back.


“Hey, everyone!” Travis calls, his voice loud and authoritative. Even now, after all this time, it sends ice through my veins. I curl into Maison’s chest and breathe him in to calm myself. He smells like sweat and airplane, but I couldn’t care less. “This is Max.”

I keep close to Maison, but turn my head until I see that there’s a new man standing near the sliding glass door. He’s got his arms wrapped around his middle, red-rimmed eyes scanning all of us like we might launch an attack.

“He’s going to be with us for a while. He’s one of you. I think he’d rather get a welcome from one of you than from any of us operatives.” He smiles, but it’s a little sad.

Bryce was made for this moment, stepping forward with a comforting smile. His voice is soft and warm as he says, “Hey, Max. I’m Bryce. How about we go for a walk?”

Max eyes Casey, which makes sense. The two of them probably bonded on the airplane a little, since I’m assuming he was picked up during or after their mission. Casey nods. “I’ll come too.”

“Okay,” Max mumbles.

I’d offer to join, but I think two will be enough. I’m sure he’s overwhelmed as hell right now. I know I was when I was first brought to the compound and handed off to a slave to be shown where I could get myself ready for my first night there. The fact that there had been eleven other slaves that descended on me was enough to send my already anxious brain into a fucking panic.

“Are you hungry?” I ask Maison as the three of them leave and Carter turns his focus back to Travis. “I could make you something.”

“No.” He gives me another tight smile. “Honestly, I just want a shower and to sleep.”

“I—uh. I could join you?” He hesitates. I fucking hate that he hesitates. “Or not. That’s okay, too. It’s been a long few days.”

“No, I want to. I’d love to.” He at least softens a little with those words, even raising a hand to gently cup the side of my neck. “It’s just—I’m not up to try… new things tonight.”

My face feels so hot, so fast that I have no fucking idea how it doesn’t just melt right off my skull. “Oh God. Obviously. Yeah. So not the night for that.”

“Thank fuck.” He laughs softly, finally relaxing fully. “I promise I’ve been thinking about it. A lot. And doing research. I’m just so goddamn tired, Nol. I don’t have it in me tonight.”

“I totally get—” I stop. “Wait, research?”
