Page 10 of Ranger Loyalty

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His brows arched. “You’re going to plan weddings with a stalker chasing you?”

“I’ve been doing it for the last five weeks, thank you very much.” Her cheeks heated, and although she knew her tone was snappy, exhaustion and stress prevented her from reeling it in. “I can’t simply pack up and leave on vacation. I signed contracts with my clients and there are penalties for breaking them. This man—whoever he is—has stolen my sense of safety. I refuse to allow him to destroy the business I’ve built for the last three years.”

Her argument struck a chord with Cole, because a flush crept up his neck and his mouth opened as if he was preparing to give her a lecture of his own. Sienna held up a hand before he could get a word out though. “Olivia’s right. Right now, we don’t have a clear suspect.”

“What about David, her old assistant?”

“Guy checks out.” Eli took a sip of his coffee. “Houston Police Department officers spoke to David this morning. He was at home with his mom all night. She confirmed it.”

“Like I said, no clear suspect,” Sienna continued, as if she’d never been interrupted. “Nor can we be sure that sending Olivia to Florida will keep her safe. Her stalker may simply follow her there, and then she’ll be on her own with her grandparents. At least here she has people who can help protect her.”

Cole’s mouth snapped closed, and he sat back in his seat. “So what do you suggest? Whoever the stalker is, he’s determined. He’s come after Olivia twice and proven to be tech savvy. A new security system will help, but it won’t protect her when she’s outside her home.”

“That’s where you come in,” Sienna said.

His brows winged up. “Me?”

Sienna broke off another piece of her scone. Olivia recognized the calculated look in her friend’s eyes. It’d been there when negotiating with the caterer and photographer. The woman understood people and knew how to convince them to do as she wanted. “You can go undercover, Cole. As Olivia’s new assistant.”

Silence followed the declaration. Olivia’s gaze shifted to Cole. He looked as stunned as she felt.

“It’s the perfect solution.” Eli focused on Cole. Clearly the couple had discussed this on the car ride over. “The only people in town who know your true identity are the police chief and the receptionist. I’m sure they’ll keep quiet. Olivia will have 24-hour protection and you can assess the situation. We know her stalker is likely someone from Serenity, but we don’t have any solid suspects. With your law-enforcement training, you’ll be able to spot anyone acting strange.”

Olivia realized Eli was right. After the attack at the park, Cole drove her straight to the police station. The only people there were Chief Sims and the receptionist. And then again last night, when the intruder broke into her house, Chief Sims responded to the call. No other members of law enforcement interacted with Cole.

“It’ll never work.” Cole’s mouth flattened into a thin line. “I confronted the stalker last night in the park.”

“It was dark,” Eli argued. “And you said yourself the perpetrator didn’t get a good look at you.”

A muscle in Cole’s jaw clenched. The flush that’d started at his neck during the harsh exchange with Olivia was now in his cheeks. It was obvious he was unhappy about the plan. He shot daggers in Eli’s direction and then stood. “I need a word in private with you.”

Olivia watched silently as the two men went out on the porch. Cole closed the back door a bit too hard and the window panes rattled. She winced, then rose from her chair. “I should intervene. Cole has been incredibly generous with his time, but he can’t put his life on hold to play bodyguard. He has plans with his grandmother. If he doesn’t want to go along with the plan, then he shouldn’t feel forced to.”

Sienna grabbed her arm. “Don’t you dare. Rangers are used to putting their personal lives on hold, and going undercover solves multiple problems. You’re safe enough to continue working, and Cole can identify potential suspects. Let him discuss it with Eli. Cole will realize it’s the right thing to do.”

Olivia wanted to argue, but fear held her tongue. Last night’s attack in the park, and the home invasion, proved she was vulnerable. Cole’s actions had been the only thing that saved her. She wasn’t foolish enough to throw away his help to save her pride.

Still, it hurt that he’d fought so adamantly against being her bodyguard.

More than she wanted to admit.


The brisk air cooled Cole’s heated skin but did little to assuage his temper. He didn’t take kindly to being handled. Sienna and Eli had come up with this plan and hadn’t had the decency to present it to him first before involving Olivia. It left Cole in a terrible position. He marched to the edge of the porch before turning to face his friend. “This is a bad idea.”

Eli leaned against the porch railing, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why is that?”

His nonchalant attitude only fueled the flames of Cole’s anger. “The stalker has gone after Olivia twice in less than 24 hours. How can I guarantee her safety in an uncontrolled environment with hundreds of people, like a wedding reception? It’s impossible.”

“The stalker hasn’t approached Olivia in a crowded environment. He’s purposely waited until she was by herself.”

“So far. That doesn’t mean he won’t get desperate enough to try it.” Cole threw up his hands in frustration. “Come on, Eli. You’ve worked enough of these cases to realize the risk. Do you really believe Olivia understands the gamble she’s taking with her life?”

“I think she’s made her viewpoint clear. She’s been dealing with this for weeks and is unwilling to let the stalker destroy her business. I can’t say I blame her. Olivia has worked tirelessly for her success. I would make the same choice in her shoes.” He leveled a hard look in Cole’s direction. “And I think if you’re honest with yourself, you would too.”

Cole’s jaw clenched. He wanted to refute Eli’s last comment, but couldn’t. He’d choose to face the danger rather than run and hide. But he was also a trained Texas Ranger. She was a wedding planner, for heaven’s sake. Olivia lived in a happy bubble of flower arrangements and color charts, not the gritty and hardened world of criminals. “If going away isn’t an option, then install the new security system and have her take a week off work. That’ll give you time to investigate more fully.”

“Except we have nothing to go on. No fingerprints, no DNA, no witnesses. The letters are written on card stock that’s available in dozens of stores.” Eli shrugged. “Even if I worked nonstop on this case, it wouldn’t help.”
