Page 25 of Loving Liam

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“Beau is my friend. I actually met him through Ziggy. He married Kwanchai, the one with the blue hair.”

The name rang a bell. Right, we’d interviewed Beau. He was hard to forget with his brilliant smile and twinkling blue eyes.

Kings had stopped touring a few years back, each of the members going their separate ways. I’d no longer followed them but had heard a couple had gone on to have reasonably successful solo careers.

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises?” I said. With the change of subject, the cheeky Liam I’d seen briefly appeared.

“If you’re good, I could be persuaded to swing a meet with him. If you’re so inclined.”

“Nah, I was more of a Cho fan. The blue hair never really did it for me.”

“I bet. But why are Korean boy bands full of good-looking men?”

“You got me there, Liam. Talking of hair. I like the new colour. It suits you.”

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he fussed with it, running his fingers through the strands. Were they as soft as they looked?

“Look, this might be way out of line.” What the hell was I doing? “Would you be interested in going out for dinner one evening?”

He said nothing. I chanced another glance. His poker face could have rivalled Lady Gaga’s.

Tapping the steering wheel, I waited for his reply. Why the fuck wouldn’t he answer me?

Maybe it was easier to say nothing than say no.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. He had a lot going on. An invitation to dinner from some old fart was likely at the bottom of his list of things to do. Damn, I should have known better.

All too soon, we arrived at the barber’s.

“Look, Liam.”

“Pick me up from work tonight. I’ll be done at six.” With that, he darted from the car and slammed the door behind him.

Smiling, I pulled out into the traffic. Such a fucking tease!

I was still smiling when I walked into the station fifteen minutes later.

“What’s up with your face?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“There’s a funny look on it I’ve not seen before.” He poked at my cheek. “Is that…is that a smile I see?”

“Ha ha, very fucking funny. Can’t a guy smile once in a while?”

“John, I’ve known you for years, and I don’t remember the last time you smiled. Might it have something to do with a certain young man?”

“Why would you say that?” I was positive I’d given nothing away.

“A feeling is all. We don’t see the guy for years, and now you know where he lives, and you couldn’t take your eyes off him when we were in the house. Don’t think I missed your hand edging towards his.”

Fuck, and I thought I’d hidden it well.

“He’s been through a lot, and yes, I might have visited his house before.”

I beckoned him into an empty office and closed the door behind us.

“I saw him by chance when I had my hair cut, then again when I stepped out to grab some snacks the other evening. He was totally out of it. It was cold, and he had no jacket. He’d have frozen to death. I took him home, made sure he was okay, and that was it.”
