Page 29 of Loving Liam

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“Wasn’t it?” He looked as satisfied as I was.

The waitress cleared the table and left a dessert menu behind.

“Nope. I don’t have room for one more bite.” I rubbed my stomach. I’d burst if I ate another thing.

“Give it five minutes. You could have coffee.” John sipped his water.

“I see you’re being a model police officer and not drinking and driving.”

“I don’t drink. Haven’t touched a drop for seven years.”

“I wish I could say the same. Although I made a plan this morning I was going to clean up my act. No more drinking, definitely no drugs, and eating healthy.”

“Wow, that’s a lot.”

“Maybe. I’m thinking of joining a gym too.” I flexed my non-existent muscles. “These are pitiful. Like knots on cotton.”

John laughed. “Bloody hell, Liam. How old are you? That’s something my mama would say.”

“Why do you call her Mama? Most call their mothers Mum.”

“I lived in the US for a few years, down in the south. My friends used Mama, so I did too. It just stuck, even when we moved back here. Pops is Pops too.”

“How long did you live there?” I hadn’t detected a hint of an accent, so I guessed it had been a while ago.

“Pops is from Georgia. His family still lives there. When I was about three, we moved to the US. Stayed there until I was eleven. Mama got sick, and we moved back here. I’ve been here ever since. Mama and Pops moved to Florida when her arthritis started playing up again. Warmer climes and all that.”

“Can I get you dessert? Coffee?” The waitress interrupted our conversation.

He looked at me expectantly.

“I’ll just take a coffee, thanks.”

“And I’ll have the lemon cheesecake with a large black coffee. Oh, and bring two spoons.”

He smiled at me. “I guarantee you will want to try it.”

I highly doubted it. It was doubtful I’d eat tomorrow the way I was feeling, but when the dessert arrived, the temptation was too great.

Fucking delicious didn’t even cover it. I’m not sure John even got half of it I ate so much? I was in love.

The heat from the fire and the delicious food had me feeling drowsy. We’d not said much since dessert, both of us lost in our thoughts. Mine were of my warm, cosy bed. Of course I didn’t know John’s. They could have been anything from his work to cursing me for eating his cheesecake.

He looked content, his eyes on me, and I squirmed in my seat, self-conscious under his penetrating gaze.

Heat filled my cheeks and not from the fire. I tugged at the ends of my hair, mildly embarrassed, unused to such scrutiny.

Except, it wasn’t critical. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was undressing me with his eyes. They settled on my lips, and on instinct, I flicked my tongue out.

Fucking hell. My dick was straining. I’d gone from drowsy to horny in the blink of an eye.

“Shall I get the bill?” he asked, his voice husky. “Then we get out of here.”

I nodded, my words stuck in my throat.

Unsure of what the rest of the evening had in store, I walked beside John to the car. The cold weather didn’t dampen my longing one bit.

“My place isn’t far.” He started the car. “We could go there, or I could drop you straight home. It’s entirely up to you.”
