Page 8 of Loving Liam

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“He was the detective who worked on my case. Woods was the nice one. Palmer, John, made his stance on my sexual orientation and lifestyle choices more than obvious.”

“Didn’t look that way to me. I thought he was quite nice, plus he took you for coffee.”

“So?” I said indignantly.

“Either way, he seemed interested.”

“Bollocks. Did he?” There was no way that was true, although he had offered to help me.

“I’m just telling you what I saw. He didn’t seem disgusted. Quite the opposite, actually.”

“You’re talking through your arse, Drew.” But was he? I couldn’t deny my attraction to John. He was just my type. Not too tall, but taller than my five feet two inches. His hair was gorgeous, and despite how he’d acted in our previous encounters, he had a kind face. Beautiful blue eyes too. Most of all, he had the body I would love to snuggle into. Not all hard lines and muscles, but soft with curves.

He was the total opposite of Stuart. Perhaps that was a good thing.

“He’d be a better option than the wankers you’ve been hooking up with. They give you nothing but just take, Liam. It’s almost as if you’re punishing yourself, not allowing yourself to feel anything but pain. Haven’t you had enough of that? Isn’t it about time you dropped that and let someone in? Someone who could love you for who you are now. Scars and all.”

Drew wasn’t usually vocal about my love life…or lack of it, so his outburst surprised me.

He wasn’t wrong, though. I was terrified of letting someone in again, scared of putting my heart back out there.

What happened with Stuart had scarred me for life, both physically and emotionally.

I cradled my wine glass, my mind spinning.

“I’m going to bed anyway. I’m off tomorrow and staying overnight with Cindy. I’ll be back on Monday morning. She’s got an early shift, and her parents don’t like me being there when they’re not. Think about it, though, Liam. I hate seeing you like this.”

Drew had an on-off relationship with Cindy. It was tumultuous at the best of times. They’d broken it off more times than I could count, but each time, they got back together. To say my love life was shit was rich coming from him. I’d never tell him. I didn’t have to. He knew how toxic his relationship was with not just her, but her parents too.

Perry jumped off his lap and raced to the patio door to be let out. This was their nighttime routine. He’d pee, run upstairs for his treat, and jump onto Drew’s bed to sleep. I didn’t know how he did it. At least Drew’d take him with him tomorrow, so I wouldn’t have to look after Perry.

I had a night out planned, one that involved a lot of alcohol, and well, I’d see where the night took me.

When I arrived at the club, it was heaving, just how I liked it. I could disappear into the crowd, drink, dance, and let myself go. It was the only place I came alive.

Wearing skinny black jeans and a faded black T-shirt, I hadn’t dressed to impress. I studied the crowd, sipping on my third, or maybe it was my fourth, bottle of beer, the beat thudding in my chest. A sexual energy pulsed through the room, even more than usual, giving it a hedonistic feel.

The temperature had risen, and a trickle of cold sweat ran down my back, soaking my shirt. I was ready for whatever the night would bring.

Inspired by the music, I stepped onto the dance floor, moving slowly, being jostled by the people surrounding me.

Bodies pressed against mine, radiating heat. I closed my eyes and immersed myself in the moment, in the sexual tension.

Fuck, my cock pressed against my zip.

Eager hands touched my body, increasing the intensity of my arousal. We swayed as one, our movements in sync with the steady thrum of the music.

Who needed drugs when you had this? It was more powerful than any high.

I placed my hands on the hips of the person in front of me and drew them backwards, flush against me. Male or female, I didn’t care. There was no way they’d not feel my erection.

I craved anyone’s touch. Tonight I’d not be going home alone.

The person in front of me turned, and I gazed into the eyes of an attractive woman. She was as tall as me, her red lipstick accentuating her sensual smile as she pressed her body against mine. Her dress barely covered her small breasts.

Ordinarily, a woman would turn me off, but on nights like this, when I sought only gratification, I’d dance with anyone.

But she wasn’t alone. Her partner, a giant of a man, moved behind me and gripped my hips. I froze for a moment, my breath hitching.
