Page 82 of Loving Liam

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“Do you know what size you want, mate?” The guy behind the counter didn’t seem to fit in a sex shop. He looked more like a librarian with his neatly groomed hair and black-rimmed glasses. He wore jeans and a smart button-down shirt.

I blew out a breath. “I have no idea.” I measured it out with my index fingers. “About this big?”

The guy grinned. “Not gonna work. You need dimensions. Back ring diameter, internal cage length, to name a few. I’m guessing you don’t have those.”

“Afraid not. I haven’t given this a lot of thought, have I?” I rubbed the back of my neck. Why had I thought this would be a simple purchase?

“There are websites that’ll explain how to do it. And you’ll need a tape measure or a piece of string. Anything like that.”

“There goes my surprise. I guess I’ll just look at the plugs you’ve got.”

“We’ve got metal, rubber, silicone, crystal. You name it, we have it.”

He indicated a case over to the side. Row upon row of butt plugs, all different shapes and sizes. I was spoilt for choice.

I selected a medium-sized, red silicone plug and walked back to the counter to pay, but another cabinet caught my eye. Paddles, and lots of them.

“What would be the best one to get?” I asked.

“Novice? Experienced? Experimental?”

“I’ve only used my hand, but my partner has used paddles in a previous relationship. I want one that won’t hurt too much.”

He looked at me, eyebrow raised. “Really? You know that’s the point of them, right?”

“I do, yes. I just…actually, can I look at that one?” It was black faux fur and was perfect. He passed it to me, and I weighed it in my hands, swishing it about. I smacked it on my palm. It was soft yet had a satisfying thwack.

“I’ll take both and a bottle of lube too. Do you have a gift bag?”

Pleased with my purchases, I drove home, smiling, eager to give Liam the gifts.

I greeted Mama and Pops, but they were still chatting with friends, which gave me time to slip upstairs to hide them before Liam came home.

Tomorrow was the night of Aunt Sylvia’s party, and I had plans.

Liam returned an hour later. I couldn’t believe the change in him. The broken person I’d met six weeks was nothing like the man in front of me now. He looked healthier, fitter, and he’d cut back on his smoking. As had I. Since the night he’d got wasted on tequila, he’d not touched a drop of alcohol. Even when we’d gone out, he’d stuck to soft drinks.

“How was your day, sweetheart?” I asked as we lounged on the bed.

“It was great. We had such a laugh.” His eyes sparkled, and my heart skipped a beat. He was happy, and that made me happy too.

“Was it just the three of you?”

“Suzie just had a baby, so she couldn’t make it, and as for Duke, well, it seems he’s got this new man, and he’s smitten. Who’d have thought it? Duke was always the more cynical of us. A little jaded, I suppose. He was a bit off when I first met him. I think he has his secrets, though.”

I had met him briefly during the investigation, so I hadn’t known him that well.

“I got you some gifts today,” Liam said. “I’ve not had time to wrap them yet.”

“It just so happens I got some for you too and something we can give to Mama and Pops. I know you wanted to.”

“Shall we swap now? Do we need to wrap them?” Liam bounced on the bed. I should have known he’d be excited.

“If you want to.” I went to my wardrobe and pulled out the presents, leaving the gift bag nestled in the bottom. I was saving that one for the right time.

“I’ll go first,” he said. “Close your eyes.”

He had his hands behind his back. How many bags did he have there?
