Page 88 of Loving Liam

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“Come on, you two. You don’t want to miss your flight.”

While John went to let him in, I ran to the bathroom and started the shower.

“I thought you told him to pick us up at one,” John said as he joined me.

“I did. I told him the flight left at five and to come no earlier than one.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. I’m sure he only came early to fuck with us.”

John was probably right. Ziggy was a cheeky fucker at the best of times, with a smart mouth to match.

We showered in record time. I dried off and ran downstairs in just my jeans.

“You did this on purpose,” I said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I was parched.

“Maybe I did?” He shrugged and smirked. “Had you actually finished, or was John on the vinegar stroke?”

“One of these days, it’ll happen to you.”

“Oh, don’t worry. Pat has walked in on us several times. That woman doesn’t know when to knock.” He smirked, clearly not giving a shit.

John came down, dressed and ready.

“Go finish, and I’ll help Ziggy get the cases in the car.” He gestured at the pile by the door. “Do you need all these cases? We’re going for three weeks, not three months.”

“But what if it rains? What if it’s cold?” I pouted.

“We’re going to Florida, then the Caribbean. You do know it’ll be hot, right?”

“I know, but I had to pack Snuggles too. I can’t leave him behind.”

Snuggles was the white bear John had bought for me. I slept with him every night. When John was working nights, Snuggles was my comfort until he returned to me.

I’d moved in a few months after Christmas last year. Drew hadn’t minded. In fact, he and Cindy had planned to marry and move into the house. I’d be a third wheel. I still worked at the barbershop with him but had cut my days to just four. It suited me and John.

He rolled his eyes, and I ran upstairs to finish getting dressed.

“Have you got everything?”

John entered the room.

“I think so. You have the passports?”

“Yep, in my bag. And the boarding passes and the money.”

“Are you excited? I am.” My heart fluttered. The thought of flying had me anxious and excited at the same time. I was looking forward to seeing his parents again but also to having some time with John away from home. A place where we could relax with no distractions.

“You’ll be fine, Liam. Nothing to worry about.”

“I never worry, not anymore. Not now I have you. You take it all away.”

“Ditto, Liam. Now let’s go.”


The week with my parents flew by, and soon we were again at an airport, boarding our plane for a two-hour flight to the Turks and Caicos. I’d always wanted to visit those islands. A paradise with crystal blue seas and white sandy beaches.

The weather would be warm, mid-twenties at least. Not too hot and definitely not too cold.
