Page 24 of A Marriage of Lies

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[No response.]

Thatcher: Can you help him out and speak for him? Tell me what happened to him? This young man here?

[No response.]

Thatcher: There are a lot of people that love this guy a whole bunch, and we can’t wait to see all the wonderful things he is going to accomplish in his life… like maybe becoming a pro baseball player.

RS: They’re called major league players.

Thatcher: Ah. Thanks. What would I do without you? You know, I think Babe Ruth had a tough childhood, just like this young man sitting behind home base, and in order to make room for all the wonderful things that would happen to him in his life, he had to talk about the bad things and then move on from them. So, maybe this young man here can talk about the bad things. Can you tell me what happened to him?

RS: Bad things.

Thatcher: Ah. So just like Babe Ruth, then. I understand. Can you describe those bad things to me?

[No response.]

Thatcher: Okay, let’s try this. I’m going to point to different parts of the boy’s body and ask him some questions, okay?

RS: Okay.

Thatcher: Did anyone ever touch the boy here?

RS: No.

Thatcher: Did anyone ever touch the boy here?

RS: No.

Thatcher: Good, because that’s where the funny bone is, and that would feel, well, funny. How about here?

RS: No.

Thatcher: Here?

RS: Yes.

Thatcher: How did that make him feel when he was touched there?

[No response.]

Thatcher: Did he feel uncomfortable? Maybe like a bunch of butterflies in his stomach? Maybe a little nervous and sick to his stomach?

RS: Yes.

Thatcher: I’m sorry. How about back here—back there? Did anyone every touch him back there?

RS: Yes.

Thatcher: And how did that feel?

RS: It hurt.

Thatcher: I’m so sorry.

[No response.]

Thatcher: How many times was he touched, in a way that hurt him or made him feel uncomfortable?
