Page 78 of A Marriage of Lies

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I grab onto the kitchen counter for support.

“Today, I plan to go visit a lawyer and then she and I are going meet up and figure everything out.”

“Emma…” Her name falls from my breathless lips.

Shepherd frowns, stares at me for a minute.

“No, not Emma. Amber. It’s Amber.”

I don’t remember the next few seconds. Only the sound of cars pulling into the driveway, the blue and red lights flashing around the kitchen walls, and Shepherd’s voice:

“Rowan? Why are the cops here?”



I whirl around as two unmarked vehicles pull into the driveway, blocking me in. Behind them, a gunmetal-gray Dually rolls up to the curb. Sprinkles of rain begin to fall from the dark, ominous sky above.

I watch two FBI agents get out of the cars, their navy windbreakers flapping against the cold wind. I recognize them as Agents Brian Briggs and Jacob Zeal, the agents who took over the Kaing, Swift, and Granger cases.

“Rowan, what’s going on?”

Shepherd rushes by my side. I turn and look at him, wide-eyed, but no words come out.

Boom, boom, boom.

“Shit, get the door, Rowan. What the hell is…?”

The agents stride into the kitchen. The door must have been unlocked.

I say nothing as my wrists are pulled behind my back and secured in handcuffs.

I say nothing as I am dragged outside.

“Rowan Velky, you are under arrest for the murders of Alyssa Kaing, Macy Swift, and Cora Granger. You have the right to remain silent… “

My eyes lock on Kellan as he climbs out of his truck. The look on his face makes my heart leap into my throat.

Shepherd rushes out the door behind me as another car pulls to the curb, this one with Chief Hood behind the wheel.

“What’s going on here?” Shepherd’s voice bellows through the quickly rising noise.

Another car.

A rush of strangers.

A woman holding a microphone.

A man, a camera.

“Detective Velky, is it true…?”

Cameras flash in my face…

Kellan’s voice somewhere in the mix…

