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Now it was this woman. The way she looked and smelled, and even the little glimpses of her personality.

I’d say I was curious. I was hooked. I was obsessed.

“Oh,” she said. Then again, “Oh!”

Was that a good sign? I wasn’t sure. I inched forward a little, still holding myself back from plunging in as far as she would take me. My size could be a bit much the first time…until a woman’s body got used to me.

“How’s that?” I asked.

I pushed deeper, gently rocking in and out. She felt so tight. So warm. So wet. But the pained expression was back. That made no sense. Why would she keep acting?

Unless it wasn’t an act.

I pulled back. Not all the way out—just withdrawing an inch or so.

“You aren’t serious, are you?” I asked.

Her eyes popped open, and she looked at me, her mouth still frozen in a grimace. “What?”

“About the virginity thing.”

She looked around. “Why wouldn’t I be serious?”

Now I really wanted to pull all the way out, but my body wouldn’t let me. So instead, I froze all movement and stared down at her.

“I thought that was all part of the act,” I said.

“What act?” she asked. “Oh, the thing where you think I came here to strip for you?” She laughed. “Yeah, delivering the muffins in a skimpy outfit was the act, but the rest of it wasn’t. You mistook me for an exotic dancer. I’m not. I’m a server who wants to be a baker. And I’ve never done anything like this before.”

Was she saying what I thought she was saying? This woman, sitting naked on the table where I enjoyed my meals, had just handed her virginity to me like a gift. But it wasn’t a gift. I’d taken it. Yes, she was willing, but I’d tossed her up on the table like this, assuming she’d done this before.

“I planned to show you things you’d never seen, not take your virginity,” I said. “That should be…”

“Special?” she finished when I paused. “Been there, done that.”

Been there, done what? Now I was confused.

“You said you’ve never done this before,” I pointed out.

“The romantic gestures.” She rolled her eyes. “Guys trying to impress me to get me into bed. You finally succeeded, and it had nothing to do with you trying to sweep me off my feet. Well, not figuratively, anyway.”

My mind was racing as I went over everything that had happened since she’d arrived at my front door. I’d commanded her to strip and pulled off my towel. I’d sat naked in front of her.

All of it felt wrong now. I should have taken care of her, cherished her.

“I don’t understand how it’s possible.” I shook my head. “You have to be in your mid-twenties, right?”

I was shaming her for being a virgin now. I was a complete ass.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out. “Twenty-two,” she said. “It’s my fault. Guys just…bore me. They always disappoint me.”

That was bad news for me. I tended to disappoint people in general. Had all my life. I did my own thing. I was great at following commands and keeping my nose down. That personality fit well with military life. It was everything else I had a tough time with.

“And then I saw you,” she said. “It’s never been like this before. Instant attraction. You’re just…hot.”

I could take that ego stroking any day, especially from this woman. In fact, if I could keep this imprinted on my memory forever, that would be great.

She closed her eyes. “I’m ready. Just go gentle.”
