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“Oh yes,” she said. “It feels so good. Don’t stop.”

Her words of encouragement only turned me on more. I was doing everything I could not to think about the woman on the table in front of me. I did a mental walk-through of the work I still had to do in this room, which helped a little, but then she cried out, notching the ache in my groin up a level or two.

I needed release, and I needed it soon.

She cried out again, this time saying, “Oh, shit” so many times it almost brought a smile to my face. But I remained focused on the goal. I couldn’t let up now. I didn’t let up until her body relaxed and she sat up straighter, letting me know her orgasm had reached its glorious conclusion.

“That’s what all the fuss is about,” she said.

My eyebrows lifted as I sat back on my heels. I was fully prepared to stand up and kiss her again as I moved her around on that table so I could slide into her. But those words stopped everything.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “You’ve never had an orgasm before?”

She shook her head.

“Have you had sex before?”

Again, she shook her head. And this time her expression changed to one of worry.

“Does that scare you off?”

I felt my own expression change. In fact, I was getting downright emotional. This woman had no idea what she was doing to me. Not just my body—my heart.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked.

“I want this,” she said. “I want to lose my virginity to you. Today. Here. Now. Any more questions?”

I sure as hell didn’t have them. Trying not to smile, I turned and retrieved the condom I kept in my wallet, just in case. Then I returned to her, determined to give her the best first time a woman could have.



The foil packet made this all too real.

I was about to have sex. For the first time ever. With the hottest man I’d ever seen.

I watched as Travis slid the condom into place, fascinated with the sight of him sliding his hand over his shaft. Was it weird to find the sight of a man touching himself sexy? Correction—I found this man touching himself sexy. Everything about him was sexy.

He positioned himself at my entrance, and I wrapped my legs around him, pushing him toward me with my feet crossed over his ass.

“You’re so tight,” he said, closing his eyes and pausing. “And so wet.”

Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of rain pounding on the roof above us. It reminded me there was a storm brewing outside. I tensed, wondering what would happen if a tornado blew through right now. Would we be safe?

His eyes popped open, and he leaned back a little. He’d misunderstood my tension. He started to pull away, but my feet were locked in place behind him. I couldn’t bring myself to release him, even if he wanted to go.

He gestured to the room around us, looking up at the ceiling. “Your first time can’t be here in a closet.”

“It’s an office,” I said.

But yeah, it was about the size of a closet. This was where my boss would be working once the lobby was finished. Would I ever be able to walk in here again without remembering this? Doubtful.

“I want this,” I said. “I want it hot and…scandalous. I want it with you, and only you.”

Travis looked at me, and I hoped he saw in my eyes everything I wanted to say but couldn’t. I’d only known him three days, and I’d decided to give my virginity to him. It made little sense to me, so I doubted he grasped it. Or, judging by the way his features softened, maybe he did.

He felt it too. This had to happen—not just today, but every day for the rest of our lives.
