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“You’re sure?” he asked.

He reached up and brushed a strand of fallen hair off my face. The gesture was so tender, so intimate, it brought tears to my eyes. Great. All I needed to do was get emotional. That would scare him off if nothing else did.

I took a deep breath and said with all the confidence in me, “Positive. Now, fuck me like you’ve never fucked anyone before.”

His eyes widened at that. Yeah, he hadn’t expected me to talk dirty. I hadn’t either. There was plenty more where that came from.

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, ma’am.”

But that smile slowly faded as he pushed inside me, stopping for several seconds before moving a little deeper. His eyes closed, and I could tell he was enjoying it. I, meanwhile, had to wiggle a little to try to widen myself for him. He was big, but I was also tight. Nothing like this had ever been inside me. Nothing at all had ever been inside me, actually.

I tilted toward him, bracing myself on my hands behind me on the table. The pressure inside me increased, then turned to pain. But it was okay. I knew it would get easier. My friends told me it would.

It took several minutes of him pulling out and easing back in again, but gradually it wasn’t quite so painful. I closed my eyes and tilted my head toward the ceiling, determined to bear this until he came. It was all about his orgasm. I’d already had mine.

Just as I’d started to notice the pain was diminishing, I felt Travis’s finger on my clit. My eyes opened, and I looked down. He was touching me. The sight of that, combined with his cock sliding in and out of me, made me feel all warm and tingly.

Was it possible I could come again? No way.

When I lifted my gaze to his face, he was watching me, and the look of desire on his face was like nothing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t believe I was the recipient of that. He wanted me. He thought I was sexy.

I could already see myself falling in love with him.

That thought didn’t scare me. Instead, it turned me on even more. What we were doing was important. It was cementing something between us. I trusted this man with my body and my life.

“Come for me, baby,” he said, staring down at his fingers.

The intense concentration on his face told me he was holding out for me. I closed my eyes again and felt all of it. The friction of his cock moving in and out of me, his fingers increasing their speed over my clit.

Oh, God. I was going to come. I could hardly believe it, but I was going to come. The storm outside crescendoed just as I did, the pounding on the roof matching the pounding of my heart.

And then he was crying out too—a sound that was almost a roar. I opened my eyes and stared at him, marveling at just how incredibly handsome he was in this moment.

As he came back down, I straightened, putting my body within closer reach. Now that it was over, we’d kiss and it would be clear that things were different between us. We’d freely look at each other with adoring eyes.

That was how it played out in my head, anyway. But in reality, when his eyes opened, I could see things had changed—in a completely different direction.

He didn’t even look at me. He just pulled out, snatched up his clothes, and said, “I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow.”

As Travis rushed out the door, a chill spread over my body that had nothing to do with the fact that I was sitting naked in the middle of an air-conditioned room. The storm that had raged during our lovemaking had now slowed to nothing. All I heard was silence.

It was as if the past half hour never even happened. And I was left wondering if I’d imagined the entire thing.



I was terrified to show up at work the next morning. I’d taken a woman’s virginity and just walked out on her. Sierra would have every right to be furious with me.

And now I had to face her. The dread that sat like a lump in my stomach wasn’t because I’d been a dick. No, the reason I tossed and turned all night was that I was in trouble. I’d known it even before I came inside that condom. A condom I didn’t want to wear because I wanted to feel her around my bare shaft.

Normally, my top priority would be preventing a pregnancy, but even that didn’t bother me. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of having a child with this woman.

And that was the problem.

I stepped from my truck and stared at the front door of the Rosewood Ridge Retreat Center, thinking back to Sierra’s suggestion about automatic doors. She was smart, but my connection with her was so much more than that. I felt comfortable with her. Like I could talk to her about anything.

When was the last time I’d felt that way around a woman I was attracted to? Never. The answer was never. But I didn’t do relationships.
