Page 46 of Jack

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“You’ll what?” I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

Jack leaned up and slid his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me toward him then kissing me deeply. I felt every eye at the party focused on us like laser beams, but I didn’t care.


Jack and I spent the rest of the party sitting with Hannah and Nikolai. Every once in a while, one of Jack’s buddies would come up and give him shit about dating me, but he seemed to be expecting it, so didn’t appear too bothered.

Donovan, the guy who texted Jack about what Mike had been up to, sat down on the other side of us. He sat next to Jack in our chemistry class, but I’d never really spoken to him.

“Hey, Becker, I guess the rumor’s true. I’ve got to pour one out for you, bro. The king is dead.” Donovan comically tipped over his beer with an exaggerated look of bereavement on his face.

Donovan was actually pretty cute. Tall and lean, with dark auburn hair that looked like copper in the firelight and hazel green eyes. Donovan’s dad owned some software company, and it was well-known in school that Donovan had inherited his dad’s aptitude with computers after being surrounded by them his whole life. He usually used his skills to do shit like change kids grades and trip the fire alarm.

“Shut the fuck up, Carter,” Jack said good-naturedly. “By the way, thanks for the heads up,” Jack said, referring to Donovan’s text about Mike’s bet. His arm tightened around me, pulling me more tightly to his body.

“Yeah, what Mike was doing was petty, bush league shit. Especially if he was trying it with your girl.” He shot me a quick wink and extended his hand toward me. “Unless, you’re cool–”

Jack shot Donovan a quick scowl and pulled me away from his reach. “Watch it, Carter.”

Donovan chuckled and slapped Jack on the back. “Poor bastard.”

Jack only grunted and took a sip of his beer.

I laughed but was still in shock at how this night had unfolded. I definitely liked Jack, so I couldn’t say that I was unhappy with how things turned out, but it was still a major adjustment. I looked up at his handsome face, his brown hair dancing with reddish highlights in the flames of the bonfire, his green eyes, softening with affection as he gazed back at me.


I frowned at him in confusion.

“You’re just sitting there staring at me. What are you thinking?”

“Nothing, I’m just trying to take everything in.”

He grinned. “You getting buyer’s remorse already?”

I chuckled. “Not yet. Although, you might feel that way considering all the crap everyone’s going to give you for dating me.” I said it jokingly, but it was a very real concern of mine. It was one of the reasons I suspected he didn’t date – to avoid the hassles.

Jack shook his head. “I don’t make decisions lightly, Ava. You think a bunch of fucking high school kids giving me shit will change my mind?”


“No.” He pulled my mouth to his, kissing me softly at first, then with increasing intensity. I felt his hand dip under my shirt, rubbing my lower back softly as his tongue swept into my mouth commandingly. “Let’s get out of here.”

I nodded my head and stood up.

Nikolai and Hannah had left about twenty minutes earlier, so there really wasn’t anyone else for me to say good-bye to. Jack did the guy thing, head nods, fist bumps, and all that, then took my hand and led me to his car.

My contented haze was broken when we saw Jack’s car.

“What the fuck?” Jack growled, walking over to the driver’s side window. It looked like someone had tried to break it, but only succeeded in cracking it in several places.

“We did make more than a few enemies tonight,” I reminded him quietly.

“I can’t believe someone would dare touch my ride like this,” Jack fumed as he scanned the rest of the car looking for any other acts of vandalism.

“Any other damages?”

“No, and they’re fucking lucky there isn’t,” Jack replied, flexing his fists in thwarted aggression.
