Page 47 of Jack

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“Well, we’re going to have to go back to riding bicycles if people keep beating on our cars like this,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood. I rubbed my arms and looked around, as if some rock-throwing marauder was waiting to ambush me.

Jack smirked at my humor and walked toward me, pulling me into his arms. I was eager for his warmth and protection. “This upset you?” He nodded toward the shattered window.

“No. Well, maybe a little. It’s a pretty aggressive response. Who do you think did it?”

Jack blew out a breath then wrapped his arms more tightly around my waist. “I don’t know. Shelby? Crenshaw? One of their friends? It’s kind of a wide pool of suspects, and anyone could have come out here and done it during the party.”

I shrugged. “Maybe we should just chalk it up to sour grapes?”

Jack shook his head. “I don’t like it. It’s a bitch move—smashing a window. I wouldn’t mind getting a chance to smash them back.” He looked back to his window, his face again tightening in anger.

“Jack, you yourself said there was no way to know. I say we just let this one go.”

He still looked disgruntled, but just kissed me hard on the mouth and opened the passenger door for me. “You gotta go home?”

I sat in the passenger seat and pulled out my phone. It was near midnight, but I didn’t want to go home yet. Jack settled in the driver’s seat, giving the broken window one more irritated grimace.

He started the car, then shot me a questioning look.

“I suppose I could hang out for a little while longer.”

His mouth curled up into a pleased grin as he put the car in gear and started to drive.


Chapter 26


I drove, still processing a night filled with drama, which I normally hated and avoided at all costs. Unbelievably, I caused the majority of it. I shot a quick look at my shattered window, unable to believe someone touched my fucking car over high school bullshit. I know I told Ava I’d drop it, but if I found the asshole that did it, I was going to break his fucking legs.

Ava, Jesus. Although I had acted cool about everything that had happened—I mean, shit, I’m the one who claimed her as my girlfriend—I was still sorting through my impulsive decision. Did I regret it?

I shot a glance at her, noting her beautiful features, her cheeks still red from the chill in the air, the soft lips that I had a hard time staying away from, her sparkling, pale green eyes looking soft and happy. She caught me looking at her and gave me a sweet smile, her blonde hair glowing in the moonlight. No, I didn’t have regrets.

In fact, the moment I told Crenshaw she was mine, something powerful surged through me—it had felt right. I still wasn’t sure what I felt about her, or dating in general, I just knew I had to have her near me while I figured it out.

Ava shot me a puzzled frown. “Where are we going? I figured we were going back to your house.”

That’s what I’d intended, but when I got behind the wheel of the car, I found myself driving the short distance to the lake. “I thought we could go to the lakefront. I like to go there, especially at night. It’s…peaceful.” I swallowed, feeling awkward for wanting to share a place that had helped me calm down and relax countless times in my life.

Her sweet smile grew wider and she reached across and pulled my hand to her lap. “Okay.”

I squeezed her hand and pulled into the small, empty parking lot that sat about fifty yards from the water. “You want to get out and walk?” I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. I had asked her to stay out with every intention of fucking her again, but here I was taking her for some moonlit walk like a fucking sap.


We got out of the car, but it was cooler here, so I opened my trunk and grabbed a hoodie for her. She slid it on, immediately swallowed in yards of fabric. She looked fucking adorable.

“Oh my god, thank you, I was freezing,” she said.

I grabbed her hand and walked her toward the water. We walked in silence for a short distance as I breathed deeply, taking in the sound of the water lapping the shore. As the cool air filled my lungs, I felt my muscles relax. “I love the water.”

“Yeah? Have you ever been to the ocean?”

“Yeah, we have a vacation house in Maine. I love it there. Last couple of years, I started to go without my parents, which made it significantly more enjoyable.”

She squeezed my hand. “You obviously have a…distant relationship with your parents.”
