Page 73 of Jack

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He looked pained but nodded his head and pulled me in for another kiss.

A knock on the door had us jumping apart. “Can I come in?” my mom asked from the other side to of the door. “I have some snacks for you guys.”

I snorted. Snacks? Who was she kidding? This was her excuse to come in here and make sure Jack and I weren’t having sex.

“Come on in, Mom.”

She walked in with a tray containing a platter of fruits, vegetables, cheese, and crackers, and two glasses of water and set it down on the table next to the chair. “Jack appeared to be in quite a rush to talk to you, but since you missed dinner, Ava, I figured you’d be hungry.” She shot me a knowing look, obviously well aware there had been something going on with me and Jack.

Jack immediately turned to the platter and started shoveling crackers, cheese and carrot sticks into his mouth. “Thanks, Mrs. Fisher,” he said between bites.

“You can call me Sarah, Jack.”

He nodded his head but kept eating. “Thanks, Mom. Do you want me to keep the door open for the rest of his visit?” I asked half-sarcastically, half-seriously.

“No, but Jack’s going to have to leave soon. It’s almost ten and a school night.”

I shot a look at Jack, knowing he didn’t have to deal with a curfew on any night, but he simply nodded his head. “You’re right, Mrs.– Sarah. I’ll be out of here in a couple of minutes.”

“Oh, Jack you don’t have to go now. Stay and eat for a bit,” my mother said indulgently.

“Okay, thanks, Mom.”

She smiled and left the room, leaving my door open a crack. I chuckled at her obvious tactic and grabbed an apple slice.

“You’re lucky, Ava, having the parents that you do.” He didn’t look at me when he said it, but I could tell how heartfelt his words were.

“I know. I’d be happy to share them with you, although I don’t know if you’d like the curfews and the lack of privacy.”

“I’d still take it,” he murmured, still steadily eating. When was the last time he ate?

I reached up and rubbed my thumb across his cheek, causing him to glance at me. I kissed him softly on his mouth. He pulled back and kissed me on the forehead, then turned back to the plate of food. I wasn’t sure if I should be offended by that, or insist we go out so he could get a cheeseburger or something.

He finally stopped eating and pulled me into his lap. “Okay, Ava, now that we have all that other shit sorted out, we have to deal with this, I don’t know—stalker?”

I nodded. “I still can’t believe the whole school has a half-naked picture of me. I’m so freaking embarrassed,” I said, covering my face with my hands.

“Don’t worry, I am going to dismember the person responsible when I find out,” Jack said with ferocious intensity.

“How are we going to figure it out? Tons of people got that text.”

“I’ve got Donovan Carter working on it. He said he should have something for me by late tonight or tomorrow morning. The question I have is why? Why is someone doing this? What is the motive? Why you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know! I’ve barely lived here.” Then a memory resurfaced. “You know, Addison was asking me all sorts of questions about us this week. Like she seemed really pleased with the idea that you had broken up with me.”

“Which I didn’t.”

“Right, not technically.”

He glowered at me. “I told you, I specifically didn’t break up with you.”

“Okay, okay, we didn’t break up,” I pacified. “Anyway, she seemed awfully invested in our relationship. And she never bothered to even speak to me until you and I started hanging out.”

“Okay, I see where you’re going with us, but why? Why would Addison care that you were dating me?”

“She’s jealous.”

“I hate to bring up my past, but I fucked around with other girls before you. She never did this shit with them. Why now?”
