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“But I—”

The call disconnects, and I’m left with silence and lingering questions.

I stay that way for a few minutes, watching the walls. I need to check on Ruby and make sure she’s okay. Tristan will be here soon, and once I explain everything to him, the knot of guilt in my chest should disappear, and everything will be okay. Before that, I need to do one thing first.

I dial my mom’s number.


“Layla!” Ruby's face lights up as soon as she sees me.

I cross the room in a few steps and hug her in the bed. She smells like chocolates and innocence. I bury my face in her golden hair, and she rubs my back. I should be comforting her, but I feel like I needed the hug more than she did.

When I pull back and look at her, my eyes are dewy. At least, now I know why I’ve been crying easily the last few days. My hormones have been going wild.

“Are you okay, Layla?” Ruby reaches out to touch my cheek, her soft fingers caressing my flesh. “Are you sad because of me?”

The color hasn’t returned to her face. I swallow, then nod quickly. My hand covers hers on my cheek. I look around the room. It’s a small room painted white with a small bed in the center. The window opposite the bed shows that it’s completely dark outside.

How long was I out for?

“How are you feeling now?” I lean forward to check her face. I put the back of my hand to her forehead and notice with joy that her temperature was normal.

“I’m okay now. Dr. Fredson gave me chocolates!” She sticks her hand under her pillow and produces two bars of chocolate, one of them half-eaten.

“Why are you keeping them under your pillow?” I chuckle.

“Daddy doesn’t like me eating chocolates, Layla. He says too much sweet is bad for me.” Her nose scrunches up like she thinks Tristan is full of shit.

“Tell you what,” I lean closer till I’m almost lost in her blue eyes, and I can feel her cool breath on my face. “When we get home, I’ll make you the nicest chocolate cake in the world!”

Ruby beams and claps her tiny hands. “You will?”

“Of course I will. It’s a promise,” I stretch my pinky out.

Ruby hides her chocolates back under the pillow before she interlocks her pinky with mine and smiles widely. “What about daddy?”

“It’ll be our little secret, won’t it?” I ruffle her hair, which she straightens immediately.

“I’m tired of this stupid bed.” Ruby shuffles on it. “I want my bed. Where’s daddy?”


I swing around, and he stands at the door as if on cue. He’s wearing the white shirt from earlier, but he’s changed into black jeans and boots. His dark locks fall across his face, shielding his eyes, but I can immediately tell something is wrong.


“Tristan, I—”

Tristan leaves the doorway and comes to hug Ruby. He asks her in a soft tone if she’s okay, and she replies in a cheery voice that she’s okay. I watch the father and daughter cradle each other, happy to see that the other is okay.

When he’s sure Ruby’s fine, he turns to me. There’s something wrong, I can tell. Why did Luke pick up the call? Also, Tristan hasn’t smiled once since he came here. His lips are set in a tight line, and there’s anger in his dark eyes.

“We need to talk,” he says, his voice low and dangerous.

My pulse quickens. Before I can say anything, he steps out. I follow behind him, my heart pounding. I decide to tell him everything there and then. No need to wait till we get home. I’ll say to him now.

“What’s going on, Tristan?” I ask with a slight quiver in my voice. “Are you mad about Ruby? I’d have called you immediately, but I passed—"
