Page 2 of Love On the Ice

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“You got five minutes to get ready, grab your shit and meet me by the front door,” he barks out rapidly before turning and bolting to his room to get dressed.

Thank god I already packed my clothes last night, so all I have to do now is throw my toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, and soap into a bag and hope like hell I don’t get flagged at the airport for not having everything in the proper containers.

I walk out of my room at the same time as Carter, almost running into him. Thankfully, he looks up before I do and averts the near head-on collision. We’re both about five-foot-eight, and he’s on the more muscular side, so it wouldn’t have been a soft hit-and-run.

“Did you call Blake and let him know we’re running behind? You know he’s never going to let us live this down,” I ask, following him out of the front door of our apartment, pausing long enough to lock it before trailing behind him down the stairs.

“I know. He’s already rubbing it in how he’s been up and waiting for about thirty minutes now and wanting to know where the hell we are,” Carter tells me when I catch up to him, holding up his phone to show me the text.

Blake: You bitches are the slackers. I’ve been up and waiting for you. Now who’s the one that’s late ??

Blake: I can tell you

Blake: It’s you lol

We toss our bags into the bed of the truck before opening the doors and climbing in. Carter starts it up, forgoing the time to allow it to warm up, and pulls out of the parking lot, the tires screeching as he does. I keep casting my gaze over toward the speedometer, noticing he’s going well above the speed limit. I know he’s an excellent driver. I just don’t want to risk having an accident.

“Stop that,” Carter blurts out, catching my attention. “There’s no one on the road, and I’m just trying to make up time. We’re already pushing it to get there. I don’t want to miss this plane and have to wait for a later flight. You remember what happened the last time, don'cha?”

“Yeah, utter chaos. We couldn’t get on the same flight. Yours ended up being delayed by a day. You had all the reservations in your name, and we couldn’t get ahold of you because your phone died and the charger was in your checked bag. Please, let’s not go through that again,” I say, my voice a little whiny. But hell, I mean, who packs their charger in their baggage?

As we pull up in front of Blake’s dorm, we see him sitting on the bench out front, ready and waiting. His head is covered with a bright orange beanie with only the long ends of his dark hair peeking out from the bottom of it. When he sees us, he jumps up to his full five-foot-ten height, grabbing a suitcase and a duffel bag and jogs over to the truck, quickly putting them in the back before opening the door and climbing in behind Carter. He smiles widely, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief. It’s then I realize he doesn’t have his contacts in yet and he’s wearing his glasses.

He’s just opening his mouth preparing to say something when Carter cuts him off, “I would keep your mouth shut if you’re wanting to ride to the airport with us,” he snaps as he pulls out of the parking lot, back onto the road.

By the grace of God, we made it to the airport on time. The flight was smooth—well, I assume it was, since we slept the entire way. We taxied up to the terminal, and after sitting for about fifteen minutes, we finally get off the plane.

Carter heads off to the car rental to start the process of getting our car, while Blake and I head to baggage claim to retrieve our luggage, praying the entire way that everything made it here. There’s nothing worse than having your bags not arrive. Wearing underwear over one day in a row is gross. Carter always jokes about how he’s revoking my man card over it. Hell, take the damn card. Who wants to wear crusty underwear? Not me.

“Dude, can you believe we're in the Pocono Mountains? I looked up Big Boulder Ski Lodge online last night, and it’s fucking cool as hell, man. We won’t have any problem finding us some ski bunnies to keep us warm,” Blake says excitedly as he bounces around, waiting for the baggage conveyor to start up. I’m a little sad now seeing he’s put his contacts in sometime during the flight. I have to admit those fantasies I was having of him seated in a chair, gazing upon my nude body while wearing his glasses had me hot. I plan to use them when I jack off in the shower.

He came out as being bi, but only ever talks about women when he’s around me and Carter. Hell, he’s never mentioned knowing I’m bi as well. I’ve kept it a tad more under wraps than he has, always cautious about what my teammates would think or how they’d act around me. I’m not ashamed of liking men, so I’m not sure why I have so much anxiety about people knowing what my sexuality is. I know I shouldn’t be worried about the team’s reaction, since they’ve never treated Blake any differently, but I do. Fuck, some of the guys even try to set him up with every gay or bi man they meet. The number of times Blake’s caught my lingering gaze on his cock in the dressing room should be a clue, but he’s never said a word.

I’m drawn from my daydreaming by Blake tapping incessantly on my arm. “Dude, get a load of her. She’s got to be the finest girl I’ve ever seen. Fuck man, she sure beats the shit out of the ones back at school,” he rushes out, his gaze fixated across the baggage claim area.

I turn my head, following the direction of his eyes, and see exactly who he’s talking about. She’s short, probably about five-foot-three or four, with brown hair pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head. Her skin is the most beautiful bronze color, from what I can see that isn’t covered by her bulky sweater and leggings. It’s like she’s spent hours in the sun. She quickly and easily picks up a large suitcase off the conveyor belt and places it on the floor before turning and heading off toward the exit with another girl. My attention is so focused on her, all I notice about the other one is that she’s tall with long red hair.

“I’d have to agree with you there. She’s definitely hot. Too bad we won’t see her again.” I keep my eyes locked on the beauty until she disappears through the exit.

I hear the conveyor belt in front of us start up, and direct my attention back to it, waiting patiently for our luggage. It takes a few minutes, and I’m just about to lose hope when I see Blake’s bright pink bag come into view, followed closely by mine and Carter’s bag and then Blake’s duffel bag. We all laughed when he bought it, but it sure as hell makes it easier to find amid all the others. We reach out and grab them all just before they pass us, then head over to where the rental cars are located.

Before we make it there, we spot Carter heading back our way, swinging a set of keys around his fingers, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “Ready to get out of here, guys?” he calls out as he sprints over towards us. “We got upgraded to an SUV. This trip just turned around for us after we overslept this morning.”

“Better than the compact car we had booked. I was still wondering how the three of us were going to fit in it. We’d look like the clowns in the circus climbing out of a car that’s way too small for them,” I blurt out, envisioning my legs literally sighing in relief at how much room they were going to have now compared to how cramped they were going to be in the first car.

“Let’s get out of here. Next stop, check in at the lodge, then hit the slopes. Christmas vacation has officially begun,” Blake says as he turns around and begins walking backward away from us and towards the exit, pumping his fist up in the air.

Chapter 2


What the hell is wrong with me? Lusting after one of my best friends. I’ve caught his lingering gaze, and I fucking loved every minute, but they were only stares. Carter mentioned in passing that Chase was bi, but he wasn’t ready to put it out to the team yet, afraid of what they would think. I swore to him, I wouldn’t mention knowing after he realized he screwed up and told me something that was obviously supposed to be a secret. I admit I had the same anxiety about it before coming out, but I was tired of hiding who I truly was. Now I’m comfortable in my skin and I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks.

Standing by the baggage claim, my hand itched to reach out and take his in mine, but I fought it. The hottie across the room was a great distraction, and my mind immediately went to images of her between me and Chase. Images of Chase fucking her as I fuck him. Gazing down on his tattooed covered back and taking hold of his now shaggy brown hair as I bury my cock deep inside his ass. Calm down, man. The middle of baggage claim is no place for a hard-on.

Thankfully, she left and our bags came around on the carousel. I immediately spot my pink bag. Yeah, they had their smart-aleck remarks, but guess who never has trouble finding their bags? That’s right, this smart ass fucker right here.

The drive to the lodge took about forty-five minutes, minus a stop at the store for groceries, and another twenty for Carter to get us checked in and get the key to our cabin, which is where we’re headed now. I, for one, can’t wait to see it.
