Page 24 of Alexis

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Memories of the man I saved from the fire almost a year ago take hold, rushing to the forefront of my mind. After saving the elderly woman who lived below him in an apartment, he went back to save a picture of her deceased husband.

He did it, but not before nearly dying in the process of smoke inhalation.

I had an instant attraction to him, but we were taught early on not to fall in love with the people we rescue. Months went by before I was finally able to let the urge to contact him go. I’d look like a fool hunting down some man I rescued to say, ‘Hi, I think you’re hot as hell. Do you want to go on a date?’

Then I met Lionel, and all thoughts of him faded away.

That was, until tonight.

Does he remember me? He doesn’t act like he does.

Do I mention it? Or let it stay in the past?

I mean, what’s the likelihood I’ll see either of them after tonight, anyway?

Chapter eleven


She’s fuckin’ gorgeous. Everything I want in a lass and more. But this isn’t how I wanted to meet her.

We’re both here, so we know exactly what this is. A night of fun. But will she want to pursue an actual relationship with someone who’s been involved in this?


Am I really thinking that already? Talk about really putting the cart before the horse and all that.

She’s talking with Dimitri, her face glowing and a twinkle in her eyes. I still can’t believe we like the same woman. Could we both date her, share her? Would she be okay with that? Want it?

How do I even broach the topic with her?

“Dimitri, did you know Alex hopes I pull her key tonight?” I might as well jump right in, so she knows we’re a package deal.

“No, I didn’t.” He looks at her with a smirk. “Did he tell you we’re a duo tonight? So that means you get a two-for-one special. Can you handle that?” Dimitri asks her.

I’m practically on the edge of my seat, waiting for her answer.

“Umm. I’m not sure. The idea of what’s happening tonight is kind of overwhelming. I know that multiples was an option, but the reality didn’t hit until I was approached by the group of men you saw me running from. I still can’t believe I’m here and doing it. But I don’t hate the idea of the two of you.” Her face turns the cutest crimson color the more she talks.

“Why are you so nervous about tonight? You weren’t forced to sign up, were you?” Dimitri asks.

“Umm, I did this on a drunken whim and with a whole lot of encouragement from my friend Taira. It was kind of a fuck you to my now ex-fiance and my ex-best friend. I should’ve been getting married in two days, but instead, I caught him balls deep inside of her when I showed up at his condo to surprise him.” I can hear the hitch in her breath when she says that. The betrayal is still so fresh.

“What an eejit,” I scoff.

How can anyone with a lick of common sense cheat on the gorgeous woman before me? If she has a flaw, I can’t see it. She seems genuinely sweet, absolutely stunning, and she works in an honorable profession. Alex is a catch, and I’ve got my trusty net out ready to scoop her up.

“Maybe I was. There were signs, but I was just too stupid to see them. Lesson learned I guess. So what made the two of you sign up?”

Fuck! Dimitri and I both look at each other at the same time, mentally asking each other what to say. Do we lie and make up something to make it sound better than what it is?

I rub my hand along the back of my neck as I clear my throat. Might as well bite the bullet and spill the truth.

“It was just for the sex, to be honest, darlin’. We saw it as a healthy way to work some frustrations out for lack of a better explanation. Nothing noble or revengeful.” I drop my hands to my thighs and wipe my sweaty palms.

She shifts her gaze back and forth, with no expression or emotion.

I’m fucking scared as shit.
