Page 36 of Alexis

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It’s time to have a kick ass weekend with my best friend. But I definitely won’t need condoms because there are only two men I want to sleep with and I’ll be seeing them as soon as I get back.

Chapter sixteen


It’s been three fuckin’ long days since I’ve seen her. It’s killing me. I’m dyin’ to feel her in my arms again. To learn more about her as my obsession and devotion for her grows.

“Why don’t we just have one of our employees cover for us and we go to her?” Dimitri paces across the room, spinning his keys on his finger. The clanking of the keys sets my nerves on end. A little more each time.

“We cannae do that. She’d think we’re psychos,” I remind him for the hundredth time.

“And maybe we are. Cause I’m definitely crazy for her.” He flops down in the chair in front of my desk and sighs as I continue inputting the payroll for the week.

Dimitri’s incessant shaking of his knees keeps catching my attention and I growl.

“Gie it a rest or piss off. Don’t you need to be doing something at the bar? Inventory? Covering a shift for someone? Anything?”

He just waves it off and keeps shaking his fucking knees. I swear to god if he keeps it up I’m gonna kill him. The only drawback is his family would do the same to me. You definitely don’t want to mess with the Kuznetsov family. Not if you’re smart.

“Dimitri, if you dinnae stop, I’m kicking you out.” I slam my hands on my desk.

He stands, giving me a salute as he walks to the door, but before he steps out of my office, he turns and grins. “One more day, man. If she’s not back then, I’m heading to where she is. Stalker or not, I want to see our girl.”

“Come on, mate, dinnae scare her away with your neediness. Let her have her girl trip and when she gets back, you can smother her wae all yer attention. Why don’t you make yerself useful and see what you can find about that cunt ex? See what your family can dig up on him.”

“Fine, I’m on it.” He steps out of my office, shutting the door behind him,

Hopefully, that will keep him busy for the time being. I diny need him getting reckless and screwing things up with Alexis.

Now that he’s gone, the room goes silent and I’m once again able to focus on payroll. I despise waiting until the last minute to do it, and without an accountant, it’s solely my responsibility.

The only problem now is, I have a new distraction. My phone.

My eyes keep glancing over at it. The need to message her overwhelming me. And without even realizing I’m doing it, I’m picking it up and opening the messaging app.

I bypass the group and open a private message with her. Dimitri’s going to fucking kill me when he finds out I gave him shit about leaving her alone and yet I’m the one caving.

Me: I know you’re on holiday but I had to message you.

Me: Are you having a good time?

I hold the phone in my hands for a couple of minutes, staring at the screen, waiting for the dancing dots, but they never happen. It just keeps showing unread.

Setting the phone down, I lean back in my chair, running my fingertips through the short strands of hair along my scalp.

Why am I acting like a horny teenager?

I know why—Alex is amazing. Not only did I fall for her at first sight, but she’s sweet and fuck, she satisfies me like no other.

Is instant love a thing outside of chick flicks?

If so, Cupid got me a good one with his arrow!

Knowing I need to get payroll done, I return to my task. My eyes keep glancing over at my phone, but nothing. A million scenarios run through my head as to why she wouldn’t be answering.

Is she dodging me? Just not answering, hoping I get the hint.

Is she with another man? Fuck, that thought makes my blood boil. I will kill anyone who touches what’s mine. Cause make no mistake, Alexis belongs to me and Dimitri.
