Page 52 of Alexis

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I don’t waste any more breath on Lionel and fall in step behind Donovan.

“Keep pretending if you want. I may not have information on you, Donovan, but I have been watching and I know all about Dimitri and his secrets. All of them. I even know who’s at his bar right now.”

My body goes rigid with his words. He’s been watching us. My mind instantly flashes back to all the times over the last week that Alex has felt like someone was watching her and we blew it off as nothing. Instead, we should have been actively seeking if her instincts were warning her of danger.

If this dickhead does something to hurt her, then it’s our fault.

“Dimitri, come on mate, ignore him, he’s no worth shite. He’s just trying to fuck with you.”

I nod and head to my car, parked beside Donovan’s. Just as I’m opening the door to get inside, I hear Lionel’s raised voice. “You’ve signed your own future with Alexis. I warned you what would happen. Remember that.”

I shut my door, turning the key in the ignition as my Charger roars to life. With my radio blasting, I tune out his last words. It’s not until I go to put my lighter in the console along with the others that I realize I don’t have it any longer. Somewhere between Donovan’s office and here, I lost it.

Hopefully, it’s inside of the building. I shake it off as a concern for tomorrow because if I walk back toward that jerk to go inside, he’ll be a dead man.

Donovan drives out of the parking lot and I pull out behind him. As I glance up in the rearview mirror, I see Lionel staring back at me with a smirk. A sense of dread drops in the pit of my stomach. He’s not going to stop.

Something hard smashes against my head, causing my hand to jerk and the scotch to topple out right onto my lap.

I jump up, anger coursing through me. “What the hell, Donovan?”

“You're acting like a 15-year-old wee lassie who wasnae asked tae the dance. He’s just fucking with you. He doesn’t know shit. All he wants is for you tae do something stupid in Alex’s eyes. Which you’re not. He’s grasping at straws because he cannae get to her. Not without repercussions anyway.”

I flip him off, heading to the kitchen to get a towel to clean myself up and pour another drink since he fucking wasted mine.

He’s right, I need to stop lingering on what Lionel said. My family is careful that no one knows their business. Hell, I don’t even know everything and I’m a Kuznetsov, even though I don’t partake in the business.

I stand at the counter, my freshly filled glass in hand. I drink the cold, malty-flavored liquid, and contemplate letting my father know of this asshole's threats.

“Oi, knobhead, get your arse back in here.” Donovan’s voice drifts from the other room.

Sighing, I pick up the bottle of scotch in my free hand and head to the living room, sitting down on the couch beside Donovan, who now has my laptop open in his lap.

“What are you doing?”

“What you wanted. Christ, is yer memory failing you in yer old age? I’m finding places for us tae show Alex when we ask her tae move in. I guess we should also find out how long she has on her lease. Or if she’s month tae month.” Donovan’s already got a place pulled up on the screen, and I have to admit, I’m impressed.

It’s a white farmhouse with a wraparound porch and a swing. In the yard, I can see a tire hanging from a tree and I imagine our kids swinging on it.

Fuck me, I have it bad and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

“Is that place for sale or rent?” I take the laptop from him so I can read more about it.

“Sale, and before you even ask, I’ve already messaged the owner for an appointment to look at it. It has our lass written all over it. If the price is right, I say we make an offer and surprise her with it,” he tells me as he puts his feet up on my coffee table.

“Come on, man.” I gesture my hands toward them. Fucker didn’t even have the decency to take off his shoes. When he doesn’t move, my glare intensifies.

“Fine. Didnae realize I still lived with my maw,” he grumbles under his breath.

“I like this house. It screams Alex. But that’s if she agrees to move in with us. She could always say no.” I’m never the doubter, but in this case, I am. I chuckle at the turn of events.

“Yer arse. Course she is gonnae say aye, I’ve got a good feeling about this. But let’s look at some more just in case we find something better, or in case Alex doesnae like this house as much as we do.”

And that’s what we do for the next three hours until I finally call it and we go to bed. I have a spare room that Donovan stays in when he sleeps over.

Chapter twenty-four

