Page 88 of Meet Cute

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His hands grip my hips and he keeps me upright as he finds his own release. I collapse against his chest and his hands stroke up and down my back.

“Morning, baby girl,” he whispers against my hair.

“Morning, daddy,” I say sleepily and he smiles.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he says, stroking my hair and I nod against his chest, closing my eyes and drifting off in the safety of his arms.



I’ve been inside of my baby girl every chance that I can get over the last few days and I know that she must be pregnant by now.

I’ve been keeping her all to myself, locked up in my penthouse apartment, but I know that at some point, we’ll have to leave and join the rest of the world.

Today is going to be that day.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to go by yourself? I don’t want to interrupt your time with your mom,” Izzy tells me and I smile down at her.

God, she’s adorable.

“She wants to meet you. She’s been dying to ever since I told her that I met the one on Thursday.”

“You told her about me?” Izzy asks.

She looks so happy and pleased that I’ve talked to my mom about her and my heart flips over in my chest at the sight of her bright smile.

“Of course, and she’s been dying to meet her future daughter in law,” I tell her.

“What did you tell her about me? Did you tell her about… the daddy stuff?” She whispers and I shake my head.

“No, what we do between us, that will always just be kept between us,” I promise her and she relaxes for a moment.

When her smile turns brittle at the edges and I see doubt and panic start to flood her big blue eyes, I pull her tighter against me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her and she peeks up at me, biting her plump bottom lip.

“How do I act when we’re out in public? Maybe we should have gone over things better,” she starts.

“How do you want to act?” I ask her.

“I don’t know,” she says quietly. “I don’t want to embarrass you or like ruin your reputation.”

“Izzy, you could never embarrass me,” I promise her and she nods. “Besides, you don’t need to worry about me. It’s my job to be worrying about you.”

“I kind of like that this is just between us.”

“Then it will stay just between us,” I promise her.

She relaxes, melting into my side and I squeeze her hip.

“Ready for dinner?” I ask her and she nods, smiling up at me.

I drop a quick kiss on her lips and lead her outside to where Max is waiting next to the car. I help her into the backseat and buckle her in before I do up my own seatbelt.

My mom doesn’t live very far from my own place. She’s about ten minutes away, closer to the edge of town where it’s quieter and the houses are fewer and far between. She moved out there after my father passed away. Said that she wanted a fresh start and to get a break from the traffic and hustle of the city.

We pull up out front and Izzy practically has her face pressed up against the glass of the window.
