Page 93 of Meet Cute

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“See you soon. We can talk then.”

I smile. She knows me better than anyone and I’m sure that she can hear how upset I am.

“Thanks, Adeline.”

“Anything for you, Izzy,” she says softly.

I hang up the phone, taking a deep breath and trying to shake off some of this heartache. I know that if I can just make it to Adeline’s apartment, I’ll be able to talk this out with her. I can lay low there and then go to work on Wednesday and tell Davis that I know about him and that I never want to see him again.

My heart seems to break a little more at that thought and I try to ignore it as I head toward Adeline’s building.



I’m early as Max pulls up outside of the Bees Knees Flower Shop, but I can’t wait to be with Izzy again.

“I’ll go in and get her,” I tell Max as I open the back door and head inside.

There are a few customers waiting in line and I glance around for any sign of my girl, but she must be in the back. The lady working the counter helps the next person in line and I wait impatiently.

I try to see in the back, but there’s no sign of my Izzy or any movement for that matter.

Maybe she’s on break.

The man in front of me leaves and I step up to the counter.

“Hey, I’m here to pick up Izzy.”

“Izzy? Oh, I’m afraid that she left a few hours ago. She wasn’t feeling well,” she tells me with a worried frown.

“She was sick?”

“Yeah, she must still be recovering from whatever bug she had this weekend. The poor thing. If you see her, tell her that I hope that she feels better soon. She can take off as much time as she needs.”

“Thanks, I’ll let her know.”

She nods, offering me a small smile and I turn on my heel, hurrying back out to my car.

“Home,” I tell Max and he nods, pulling away from the curb and merging with traffic.

It takes us thirty minutes to get back to the penthouse and I’m cursing the traffic as I impatiently wait for the elevator.

“Izzy!” I call as soon as I step into the penthouse apartment.

She’s not in the living room or kitchen, but if she’s sick, she might be sleeping or in the shower. I run up the stairs and down the hall. Part of me already knows that she’s not here. She doesn’t know the code for the elevator and I’m not even sure that she knows the address to this place.

“Why didn’t I make sure that she knew? I should have given her my phone number. I never should have let her leave this morning,” I snarl as I stomp back downstairs.

Where could she have gone?

“Max! I need to go to Izzy’s apartment. Now.”

“Yes, sir,” he says, already pressing the button for the elevator.

He hurries over to the car and I hop in next to him. We take off and I imagine all of the things that I’m going to do to punish her once she’s feeling better. She has to know that she can’t just disappear like this. I should have been her first call and it’s partly my fault for not making sure that she has my phone number and address. Still, she knows where I work. She should have come and found me.

We pull up outside of a decrepit old apartment building and I stare at it in disgust. This? This is where my baby girl was living?
