Page 80 of My Dark Protector

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“The one I had for Design Systems 3010? I have her for 4020 as well. Professor Darcy? She’s a bloody nightmare.”

“What sort of bloody nightmare?” he asked.

“She’s difficult. And before you even say it, not in the way that she challenges me or makes me think a new way or whatever. She’s teaching Acolyte for fuck’s sake. It’s not rocket science! I won’t have to think on my feet like this once I’ve found my job!”

“Aren’t you going to be designing things?” he asked slowly. “Not to come off like I’m on her side or anything… I’m on your side always, Teags…” he leaned over to kiss her. “But graphic design is thinking on your feet, yes? There’s no formula?”

She sighed. “I mean, you’re right. But she’s being altogether too ornery.”

“How’d you do in her class last semester?”

“I mean…” she hesitated. “I got an A…”

He snorted.

“No, stop it! It was a difficult A.”

“You had to work for it, you mean?”

She shrugged. “Yes?”

“Poor darling. Having to work for your good grades.”

“What happened to you always being on my side, huh?”

“I can be on your side and poke fun at you. That’s the best place to do it, after all.”

She laughed and stared out into the backyard where he had the two sawhorses and a pile of sawdust. “What’s all this then? What are you making?”

“Bed frame,” he replied, tossing the sandpaper in his hand and grabbing one of rougher grit.

“A bed frame?” she repeated as if he’d told her he intended to turn the entire house into an altar. “What do you need a bed for?”

He snickered. “I feel like there’s a joke in there somewhere…”

“No seriously, what do you need it for?”

“For sleeping,” he deadpanned.

“Jaxon. I mean, aren’t you almost finished in there?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Still, lots to do. Another few months at least, so I figured I’d make a bed.”


“Me,” he replied. “And you, when you stay over.”

She smiled at the confession. “Not that I’m not swooning that you’re building a bed so I’ll stay here with you, but seriously… what else could possibly need work? The place looks great.”

“I got to knock out the ceiling in the master bedroom,” he began.

“Okay, check. That’s like a week? Tops? Maybe ten days?”

“New fixtures in the bathroom, new tiles, new linoleum, the wainscoting in the living room needs replacing. Also, I’d like to put some walls upstairs and turn it into a more-than-one bedroom house.”

“How many bedrooms?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Well, with an extra two upstairs, three.”
