Page 111 of Knight of the Goddess

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Ruby-red lips, like the petals of a rose, parted as she continued her haunting melody,

“Through veil of night, a stolen bond,

A secret guise in shadows veiled,

As darkened queen took flight with dreams,

And left behind a shattered scene.”

As I watched, the woman lifted a delicate hand and pushed strands of her hair aside, revealing the subtle pointed tips of her ears.

My heart sped up. She was fae. But I had never seen her in the castle before.

Was she a friend of Crescent? Or Odessa?

I took a step closer, and the woman whirled towards me.

My heart pounded. I held up my hands, not wanting to frighten her away. “Forgive me, lady.”

She put a hand to her heart. “You startled me, child.”

“You have the most beautiful voice,” I said, not wanting her to stop singing.

She smiled. A breathtaking sight. I caught my breath. “Perhaps I’ll sing for you again sometime. Would you like that?”

I nodded eagerly, still intoxicated from the sound of her voice.

She beckoned. “Come closer, my dear one. Let me look upon you.”

I did as she said, steeling myself. I was not pretty. I was unusual and plain. I knew that. In a moment, she would, too.

But she looked at me silently without revealing anything in her expression.

Then, she touched my arm gently. To my surprise, I did not shy away.

“You have your mother’s features. She was very beautiful, you know.”

“That can’t be,” I said, disbelieving but not wanting to call this lovely fae woman a liar. “She had amethyst hair and violet eyes. Mine are only black.”

The woman smiled sweetly. “But the shape of them is all Orcades.”

“You knew her then? You knew my mother?”

“Of course I did.” The lady laughed. “She was my sister.”

I took a step back, my mouth falling open.

“That’s right, Medra. I am your aunt. Sarrasine is my name.”

“I didn’t know I had any other aunts,” I said, feeling as if the room were spinning around me. “No one told me.”

Sarrasine looked sad. “Of course not. Why would they? Why would your Aunt Morgan speak to you about the rest of her family when she hardly knows us herself?”

“She doesn’t?”

The crimson-haired beauty shook her head. “She doesn’t. Not yet. But she will soon. And how happy she will be to see you have already taken up your place with us, Medra.”

“With you?” I croaked. “Does that mean...”
