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“That’s not what I meant. I mean, it’s true. You are... gifted. Endowed.” I felt my cheeks heating. “Both things are true.”

I tried to compose myself, but there was no point in bothering. Draven’s hand was sliding down my blouse, over my pebbled nipples, then down over my stomach, and slipping into my pants, to the place between my legs where I was already slick and wet. As his fingers touched me there, I whimpered.

My eyes darted about. No one had entered the hall. No one had heard me.

“But if we continue this,” Draven said as if reading my mind, his breath hot against my cheek, “someone could hear you, Morgan. Anyone could. Anyone might walk in. Anyone might see.”

I knew he was trying to call what he saw as my bluff. To give me a last way out.

But he didn’t know me very well if he thought I’d actually back down. My backbone was steel. Smart or not, I was doing this.

And then one of his fingers slipped inside of me and I moaned.

We were doing this because I couldn’t fucking wait long enough for him to carry me back up to our bedroom or take me against a wall in some cramped broom closet.

“I think,” Draven said with surprising casualness considering he had a finger inside my pussy, “we’ll need to do this the other way around.”

“What?” I mumbled, already a mess of hot desire.

He withdrew his hand, and I had just enough time to moan a protest before he had flipped our positions, picking me up and raising me over him as he sat back down on the throne.

“Is this what you had in mind when you invited me here, Morgan?” he asked as I pressed against him, feeling his cock pressing hard against his trousers. I writhed against it a little in anticipation, then moved my hands down to help free it from the confines of his pants.

“What? No foreplay?” Draven pouted. “I want to taste you.”

“Oh, by the Three,” I breathed. “Now? Here?”

There was a gleam in his eye. “Now. Here on this throne. I want to leave traces of your juices all over this fucking chair. Let’s call it a belated present for Arthur.”

“That’s... slightly disturbing. But very well.” The thought of Draven’s mouth pressed against my clit was too much to resist.

I shimmied out of my trousers, then let Draven pull my tunic over my head for good measure. Then my underthings.

Now I was bare.

Naked and bare and in a very, very public place.

Still, even fear wasn’t enough to trump the wave of lust I was riding.

“Uh, uh, uh,” Draven warned, waving a finger as I tried to cover my breasts. “Don’t you dare. This was your idea, after all.”

I groaned. First one way, then another as Draven caught me by the hips and lifted me back onto him, raising me to the perfect level for his mouth to access.

His tongue slid over my wetness, caressing my softest places. He pushed my thighs further apart and then buried his face between them.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered as he dragged his tongue over me. “Oh, goddess.”

“I’ll make you a true believer, Morgan,” he swore, circling my clit with his tongue and sliding a finger inside of me. “But it’s my name you’ll be calling, not any goddess’s.”

I tangled my fingers through his hair and moaned, “Draven, please.” I wanted this. But I wanted him more. Much more. “I need you. All of you. Inside me. Now.”

“And I need you,” he said against my flesh. “Do you know what the sight of your body does to me, Morgan? Do you know what the taste of you does? You make me wild. You turn me into a mindless, depraved creature.” He gripped my hips so hard, it hurt. “But it’s time to stop this game. If we keep going, I won’t be responsible for how far it goes. Not tonight.” He drew a deep ragged breath. “Not in the mood I’m in.”

I looked down my body, my bare hips inches from his lips. I looked down at my mate’s tense face.

“I don’t care,” I whispered, stroking the edge of his jaw. “Take me here. Take me how you want me. Fuck me on this throne.”

He started to open his mouth.
