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As I spoke, I realized I truly wanted to know the answer to that question.

“Why did he forge such weapons, anyway?” I continued, figuring at worst I’d distract him a little, at best I’d get some answers.

Daegen’s shadowy blade responded with fluidity. I parried, then moved forward again, executing a series of quick slashes, Excalibur weaving seamlessly through the air.

One slash hit home.

Daegen let out a curse and clutched his shoulder.

“Fascinating,” I said softly. “So that answers that about the weapon cutting through Valtain armor.”

“I’ll have new armor crafted,” Daegen snarled. “Once I strip that sword from your body and drag your lifeless carcass back to our father.”

“Tsk, tsk,” I cautioned. “Killing me might get you into a heap of trouble. But I, on the other hand...”

I spun, the flames on my blade twirling in harmony with my motions. Excalibur clashed against Daegen’s black sword. My brother moved as swiftly as I did, matching my every move, his shadow-infused weapon proving frustratingly elusive.

“I doubt Father would care if I killed you,” I panted ruthlessly. “Maybe he won’t even notice you’re gone.”

With a roar, Daegen came at me, his shadowy blade slashing towards me.

Instinctively, I blocked the attack, the clash resonating through the night.

Shadows and flames intertwined as we pressed our blades against one another.

“I hear those savages have made you their empress,” Daegen spat. “What an honor.”

“Better to serve the Siabra or mortals than the Valtain as you do,” I said softly. “I am honored to have been chosen. I live to serve my people. Can you say the same?”

Immediately, I saw the truth in his eyes. If he could read me like a book, the reverse was also true. Daegen hadn’t really cared about anyone but himself in a very long time. Perhaps ever.

“How sad, Brother,” I said quietly, and I meant it. “To have no one to care for.”

“I don’t want your pity,” he shouted, crashing up against me. “I don’t require it. You speak only in words of weakness. Pathetic girl. Fallen sister. Shall I tell you what my honor will be?”

His blade cut through the air. I raised Excalibur to where I thought it would fall, but at the last moment, Daegen swerved. I felt a searing pain as the blade bit into my side.

“My honor will be to kill you, Sister. To end our father’s pathetic search. For you are his only weakness,” he snarled. “It will be an honor to end his torment and wield the sword you hold as I stand by his side.”

As if in answer, Excalibur countered. I moved in a furious onslaught. I had already seen Excalibur become an extension of my will. Now I moved at the sword’s behest, each of my strikes carrying the weight of years of betrayal and secrets kept in the dark.

The moon bore witness to our rivalry as Daegen and I exchanged blows in the grove.

And then, with a final, decisive strike, Excalibur pierced through my brother’s defenses. I felt the moment the blade slid through his black cuirass. The look on his face was one of true shock. Perhaps he had been wounded before, yes, but not like this.

He crumpled to the ground, his eyes only on the blood seeping from his chest.

“You touched me. You touched flesh.” His voice was full of incredulity. “Blood. You’ve bled me.”

“Yes, there’s quite a bit of blood, isn’t there? But then, you’ve fought in countless wars, so...”

“With mortals. With... different fae. Not like this. So much blood.” He lifted his eyes to mine with the expression of a sullen, hurt child. “How dare you?”

Suddenly, I felt tired, looking at my brother sprawled in the dirt.

“You came to me, remember? I didn’t want any of this.” I was so tired. What if this could all just stop?

“Let me go, and I’ll withdraw our armies,” my brother pleaded, telling me exactly what I wanted to hear. “This can end now. No more deaths. Isn’t that what you want? You said you served your people. I offer you a chance.”
