Page 20 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Carnage, Sex, and Rock ‘n Roll

I’D SAY I WAS SURPRISED when we rolled up to the demon’s house, which was easily worth millions, hidden amongst rolling hills and far enough from civilized culture to make me uncomfortable, but I wasn’t. Not in the least. The luxury setting was exactly how I imagined the chic, always well-dressed demon to live.

Had he driven us to a cozy farmhouse tucked inside some half-baked township, that would’ve surprised me. But Nova proved to be the very person I pegged him for—rich, powerful, and with the means to carry out his heart’s desire both in our world and perhaps even his.

Something told me that if Lucifer hadn’t killed him yet, then it was likely Nova’s death would complicate their underworld society; that it would set off a cascading event. It meant that whoever he was there, he was someone with enough influence he couldn’t be trifled with.

I’d found myself a powerful partner.

“Spared no expense, aye, Hammond?”

“I prefer luxury, yes, but I’m hardly over here creating monsters,” came his saucy reply.

As I strolled into the foyer, I gestured to myself with a subtle lift to one side of my mouth. “Then what would you call this thing between you and me? A sweet, contemporary romance?”

The gorgeous demon’s rich laughter electrified the senses, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t absolutely beguile me in an instant. But it was easy to blame his demonic charm and not my total obsession with him.

Mere hours after carnage and destruction and all I could think about were those moments of otherworldly pleasure—the way Nova’s muscles smoothed and tautened over me with every thrust, the taste of his mouth and skin, the addictive pressure of his hand around my throat.

It’d been a minute since our last illicit step into a shared illusion. The promise of what our partnership meant put me on edge. Next time wouldn’t be an illusion, it’d be reality, and I idly wondered if the real deal could ever compare.

Would the pleasure be as euphoric and world-altering as it was in his illusions? Would I discover new parts of myself in the process of consuming his power, or would I realize I was already the strongest version I could be? But what I thought about more than any of those things was whether I’d stay sane or lose myself entirely to him.

Fear stole a small space inside my head, but it wasn’t a feeling I’d ever experienced before. I never worried about losing any part of myself to someone, but with Nova it was different. With Nova, nothing about my future was certain. I might actually give into bloodlust and vengeance, and it might mean I couldn’t go back to who I was around Aidan, the version of myself that still maintained some semblance of good.

“I have just the room for you,” Nova said after another devilish smirk.

I was led over to a descending stairwell, and I instantly gripped my weapon. My quiet caution wasn’t lost on him. The dream demon offered me yet another sly grin before heading down the staircase. It was a challenge, that smile of his. One I couldn’t help but rise to.

So, I followed him but stayed on guard.

I was in his territory now. And as stupid as it was to follow a demon back to his own home, it was even more idiotic to trail after him into an underground basement he promised was just the place for me.

That’s how every horror movie starts…

Except, I wasn’t a girl befitting those scream queens incapable of defending themselves against a knife-wielding serial killer. I swung back. Andhard.

The basement expanded out the length of several rooms, fully padded and every wall covered with weapons of all shapes and makes. Marksman targets lined a few areas and several dummies that had seen their fair share of combat stood in different places inside the room, bolted down to the floor. It was a literal playground for someone like me.

“Your training room?”

Nova pivoted slightly with his arms crossed against his chest, the metal of his buckle catching some of the iridescent light in the room. “More like a collection, but I’ve been known to train down here to clear my head every now and again.” His eyes traced the walls before finding mine again. “Every weapon here has claimed the life of a strong demon who betrayed me to serve Lucifer. Perhaps you could argue it’s a trophy room of sorts.”

There were easily a thousand weapons in this oversized room, and if what he said was true, he’d killed more demons than I had. Though, it didn’t surprise me that demons would be cannibalistic; it fit my image of them.

“How the fuck old are you?”

Nova’s jaw tautened as he took a step in my direction. “Old enough to have seen many civilizations rise and fall, little bird—and to have been a part of what inevitably destroyed them.”

You know that pit in your stomach when you’ve made a horrible mistake and the realization finally dawns? That was how I felt when the reality of who I partnered with finally hit a sound mind.

What the fuck have I gotten myself involved in?

As if privy to my internal thoughts, Nova sighed to himself and strolled closer. “It may seem daunting to be here with me, but I promise if I planned to kill you, I would’ve done so by now.”

“Well, of course you haven’t killed me,” I remarked, smirking. His lips lifted in response. “Because how else are you supposed to use me if I’m dead?”

Nova swept back his sandy-brown hair, his smile disappearing. “That’s fair. You’ve been given no reason to trust more than that, but what if I said that our coupling was fated?”
