Page 33 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Nova put his arms in the air in mock surrender. “Guilty as charged, little bird.”

“You’re an asshole,” I sassed, not particularly upset if those were the types of things Nova told others about me. I was actually super proud of the one-liners I came up with before killing a demon. And here I thought I’d be the only one to enjoy them for the fucking genius things they were.

“You know, a lot of us have heard a thing or two about you.”

Okay, I’ll bite.

“Oh? All bad I hope,” I said, smirking.

Reese crossed her arms, no longer hiding her smile. “Nothing but the worst. You’re pretty famous for hunting down some evil bastards and killing them in ways…” Her eyes were practically sparkling. “Well, in ways that makes me feel like you and I would get along. I especially liked how you spread pieces of that one demon trying to be a modern-day Ripper throughout the city, essentially replicating his killing style when you killed him.”

That was some of my best work. That bastard had murdered thirteen women and cut them to pieces after removing their uteruses. Our information stated that he ate the uteruses because it was his favorite part of women’s bodies, the disgusting asshole demon.

Seeing how he didn’t have a uterus, I improvised and removed his cock and balls. Then I left pieces of him all over the city, the same way he did with the women he killed. It caused quite the stir with Aidan’s crew. I’d made a few of them uncomfortable with the creative license I took with that particular demon and my eagerness to embody a new kind of poetic justice.

Ah, memories.

She slipped fingers into her short, stylish hair and offered Nova a small look. “After what you did tonight, I think it’s safe to say that fighting with you will be nothing short of a good-ass time.”

I hated how quickly I liked this chick. I didn’t warm to others, and I still didn’t even know if I liked Nova all that much. Sure, I enjoyed how good the sex was and what he could do as far as my demon killing goals, but I wasn’t sure if there was much else I liked about the mysterious ex-lover of Lucifer.

But my new fan, whose smile hung out for a second or two longer before fading away to indifference, reminded me of Serena. She didn’t embellish anything and got right to the point. Plus, she appreciated the carnage and artistry I brought to our field, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel damn good to hear it.

Where the Shadow Hunter crew had been wary and scornful of me, this woman in her first breath admired the work of a true artist—one who wanted hell to rain down on her enemies. I took great care to destroy every single bastard who deserved it, and it was nice to be acknowledged for it. I’d never admit that out loud, though.

“What a treat that my kids get along,” Nova remarked, laughing when she and I both glared at him. “Two peas in a pod.”

Reese cleared her throat and grunted before walking towards me. “I thought you were a wild card, and still kind of do. But after seeing what you can do, I’m willing to take that bet.”

And with that, she left.

I was so blindsided by the random-ass support from someone I’d never met, I just stood there like a stupid asshole. I didn’t even notice Nova creep over until his hands were on me. When I glanced up at him, I easily deciphered the all-bedroom look he offered me before our lips met.

“Can I tell you something?” His hands took gentle hold of my neck, and like so many times before, my throat curved and begged for it. “I’ve seen you work plenty of times now, but tonight you were beyond beautiful and captivating. I had a difficult time keeping my eyes off of you.”

My blood pumped loudly in my ears, and I was eager for his kiss. No matter how often I fought myself, it never meant much in the end. I always gave into him. And after a few weeks, I didn’t bother pretending I wasn’t desperate for it.

Desperate for him.

Delicate fingers stroked the column of my neck, teasing along my jaw and into my hair before Nova bent forward and ghosted his lips across mine. “I’ve never been so eager to get home and forget my work. You’re all I can think about right now. I fear I’ll get very little done if I don’t have you first.”

A moan sat in my throat, but I swallowed it down and panted instead.

Finally, the demon bent all the way forward and covered my mouth with his. His tongue eagerly slipped out to caress mine, giving me every reason to cling to him. I’d been yearning for it all night, and as shameless as it made me to drag him forward, I didn’t care as long as he fucked me.

I’d gotten my rocks off with the demons I killed. Now I had other needs to attend to, ones only satisfied by the demon currently sucking and scraping my lower lip with his teeth.

But Nova didn’t give into me. Instead, he leaned close to my ear and whispered, “I think it’s time we headed home, yeah? Rift is a very difficult demon to tackle on our first try, but with a little training, I think you’ll find he bleeds the same as the rest.”

Who knew that talking about slicing and dicing some bullshit demon named Rift would get me all wet between thelegs? Certainly not me.

I sunk fingers into his luscious sandy-blonde hair and sucked his lower lip into my mouth, biting hard enough to punish him. His hiss of delight sung out how much of a fucking masochist this foe of Lucifer was, but I lived for every second of it. “Let’s get going then, asshole. What are you waiting for?”

Nova’s secret smile appeared the second I said so and he kissed me so hard, so urgently I didn’t breathe for nearly a minute. After groaning and pulling away, the demon led me through this obnoxiously large seven-story building, all the way back down to the parking garage. Then it was an excruciatingly long twenty-minute drive home before I’d see any action.


Talk Dirty Business to Me
