Page 41 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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A demon this powerful had to be the one we were after, and it’d explain why he was ready for me. He knew I’d come looking for his heart, and I wasn’t about to disappoint him. The thing was, I had bloody, torturous revenge on the brain and wanted the bastard to suffer. He’d killed every person I cared about, even if I never openly admitted it. Nothing would get in the way of me ending his horrible reign, not even death.

He better hope I die before I get my hands on his fucking heart.

I crawled over to the box, pouring blood, but a hand quickly yanked my head back by my hair and stopped me from moving any farther.

“It’s such a shame I have to kill you. If I had it my way, you’d be mine to drink and eat. But you’re a nuisance, and Nova can’t be killed.”Can’t be killed?“So, I’ll settle for you,” he hissed, his weight overpowering mine.

Smirking, I twisted and threw my knee up, lofting the imposter demon off me. From the way he reacted, he hadn’t expected it. With every bit of strength and vengeful tenacity left in me, I struck his heart with the dagger Nova supplied me. It exploded in a great cloud of ash, and the Aidan lookalike beside me cried out in pure agony.

Keeping a tight hold on the sword cutting straight through my body, I crawled back and then yanked it from my chest. The demon’s eyes went wide when I used the same sword to separate his head from his body.

I wish I had time to drag it out—you know, really make the asshole suffer—but I could literally feel the life bleeding out of me. And I wasn’t even sure if this would deliver the killing blow to Rift or if we’d have to go after his original form.

I watched the body of my former friend decay before my very eyes, indicative of possession after death, and I finally let the tears stream down my face. It was the first time I’d cried in years, and I couldn’t even do it the way I wanted because the burn in my chest suffused every nerve, and I couldn’t breathe, let alone cry loudly.

Truth be told, I sort of saw myself dying in a blaze of glory. And I wasn’t disappointed. I’d avenged my friends, dealt a killing blow to a demon so powerful Lucifer would be greatly weakened with his death, all with a smile on my face. Even as tears streamed from my eyes, my lips were lifted into the happiest smile I’d ever worn.

“Lady!” Reese hurried over to me after checking for enemies, military-grade gun out and aimed. Her eyes slid over to the collapsed, decayed body of my friend before she was on her radio. “Nova, get here quick.”

It wasn’t even a second later when Nova materialized in the room. With one glance, he took in the sight of me slouched up against the wall, half my blood volume already gone and without any ability to regenerate. Damn demon sword. Then his eyes dropped to the dead body of my favorite friend near my feet.

He patted Reese on the shoulder, offering her a gentle smile. “We haven’t any time. Clear the area. The others will come, and we’ll need to be gone or risk getting caught in the storm.”

Understanding it all, the blue-haired woman stole one last glance before signaling to her team to move out. I watched them leave, my body cold and numb. Lips quivering, I smirked. “’Bout time you got here. Made me do all the damn work.”

Nova didn’t speak, just stabbed himself in the neck and put a hand to my chest. “Drink, little bird. You’ve done well.”

“Offering me a farewell fuck, are we?” I joked, voice a whisper.

Laughing to himself, the green-eyed fallen angel urged me to drink by bringing my face to his neck, then grunting when I licked a small path along his saturated skin. “If only. You may not realize the benefits of our contract, and to be fair, neither did Rift, but this wound isn’t enough to kill you. Not with me here.”

“Say that shit first,” I rasped, scorning him with a glare.

The smile he beamed was the prettiest yet. “Drink, will you?”

As more blood saturated my mouth and chin before I lapped it up with a greedy tongue, the cold numbness faded and my strength returned. I looked down, curiously eyeing the luminous hand he pressed to my chest. My previously gaping wound was gone, not even leaving a scar to show it’d been there.

Normal weapons didn’t injure me as severely as this one had, so I had to guess whatever the bastard used, it was meant to fight our own kind.

“What’d you do?” I slurred in a blood-drunk haze.

Nova grinned, lifting his hand and wiggling his fingers. “Healed you. I’ll tell you more about it later, but for now, we need to leave. Rift will be weak, and we need to locate him to ensure he cannot return to Hell. He would’ve needed to be nearby to control the body, so Reese and her team will be scouring the area.”

Standing, I couldn’t help my gaze naturally finding my fallen companion. A hard lump formed in my throat, and another tear broke away from my eye.

Nova’s hand cupped my face, forcing our eyes to meet. “I’m sorry about your friend,” he murmured, his tone genuine. “I should’ve expected it, but I had hoped Rift might better use his time to focus on you and I.”

“It’s my fault for leaving,” I bit out, evading the demon’s touch and retrieving my bat and dagger.

Aidan’s death hit harder than anything had in my entire life. If I hadn’t seen his body and heard the memories straight from his mouth, I wouldn’t have believed he could die so easily. It just didn’t fit my image of him, and I was so sure I’d die before he did. But he got caught in my shit.

And like the rest, Aidan died for it.

My throat seized with emotion, and I fought to keep from crying again. As I looked at his deathly pale face, I knew I’d never forgive myself. I’d always regret leaving him behind. His death would haunt me forever, and I’d never let myself forget I was the one who got my only friend killed.

Today was the day the human part of me truly died.

Refusing to let Nova see me weak and heartbroken, I walked past him and headed for the way out.
