Page 45 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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But since I couldn’t find any way to explain away my body’s treacherous reactions, I punished the amused demon with a painful nip to his lower lip and squeeze of my thighs. The full body shudder that took hold of the demon in response meant I’d won, and I quietly celebrated my victory.

Still haven’t lost my vindictive bitch touch.

I couldn’t tell you how long we were in the illusion, fucking like rabbits, ignoring responsibilities and impending doom, wrapped up in our own pleasure, but it was long enough that even I started to second-guess the pleasure demon’s motives.

After coming for the fifth time, I pushed the persistent asshole away and sat up. “Now you’re definitely stalling, you bastard.”

Nova chuckled huskily and brushed back his wet hair like we were at a GQ photoshoot, rain pelting our bodies. “Noticed that, did you?”

“It’d be weirder if I hadn’t,” I sassed back, finding my clothes and putting them on. It might be an illusion, but the last thing I needed right now was to distract him with my body. “Why did you really bring me here?”

Nova went to his elbows, perfect body beaming from flashes of lightning and completely wet from the rain. Every muscle was beautifully tense, physically perfect, and his still-swollen cock touched just above his belly button. His hair, darkened from the rain, was slicked back away from his face, so I had a perfect view of every gorgeous curve of his eyes, mouth, and jaw.

He was truly the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.

Honestly, it took all the willpower I had left not to climb back onto him and take the demon for another ride. It was a bit worrisome how difficult it was these days to say no to the temptation of a romp with Nova.

“I suppose I can’t procrastinate it any longer…” Nova licked moisture from his lips and looked over at me. “And understand the reason I kept it from you was only because I didn’t want to burden you with what it meant. But if I’m honest, it was also because I feared losing you after I realized that you were more than just the half breed I sought. You’re a truly amazing woman, Lady.”

Usually, I’d insert something snarky into the conversation right about now, but the way Nova looked at me and the tone of his voice made it difficult to do anything but listen.

“Lucifer is not simply the woman with whom I shared a bond and past. We are forever bound by our mark. She to me and I to her. The only way to break it is by replacing it with someone who shares her power and blood. Otherwise, I will die alongside her when the time comes. That is the cost of such a bond as the one she and I share. One Lucifer has worked ardently to ensure that never occurs.”

Wait, what?

“You’ll die?”

Nova sighed and sat up. “The reason she cannot kill me is because it would kill her too, yeah? The only one with the power and pure bloodline who could replace the mark is you…her sister.”

“Sister?!” I stood up in a flash, heart in my throat. “My sister is the fucking ruler of Hell? Lucifer? That dude? Does that mean she killed her own father? And wait, does that mean the only reason we’re together is because I share blood with her? What about all her other siblings?”

I didn’t really care that I’d lost my cool and word vomited all over Nova. I might never admit it out loud, but I felt betrayed despite knowing Nova’s interest in me never felt singular or genuine. It was always clear he was motivated in some bigger way, and I had known in my gut that what he described at first wasn’t enough to motivate the demon. Now it all made sense, but that didn’t make it any less of a betrayal.

Men are all the fucking same. Aidan was right.

Just the mere thought of my late friend was acid in my throat.

Nova was suddenly dressed and standing in front of me, an expression I’d never seen on him distorting his gorgeous face. “It’s the very reason she had every blood connection killed. Every single one. She wanted to ensure I could never find a replacement for the mark. While I may have weakened the mark by poisoning the connection, I’ll never be truly free from it until I can either form a greater connection with you or die alongside her. And I have to make this right. It was I who betrayed good to put Lucifer on the throne.”

I took a step back, suddenly feeling the weight of Nova’s statement.

I’d already known that his interest in me was self-motivated, but I hadn’t realized it was so self-righteous and holier than thou. But, then again, it all made sense.

An angel who betrayed who he was to assist a demon to the throne, only for it to blow up in his face—it fit my image of Nova that he’d want to set it right. So doing whatever he could to right the wrong was certainly up the fallen angel’s alley. The more time I spent with Nova, the more I understood the depth of his self-deprecation and guilt.

Still, it wasn’t far from why I agreed to be with him. I wanted to get revenge on bad men and demons who preyed on the innocent and vulnerable; to be their executioner and reaper. I didn’t really have much of a leg to stand on, so why did it hurt so much when I thought the only reason Nova wanted me was to destroy the connection he had with his ex-lover? What purpose did it serve to sever the connection? Why not lay down his life to end Lucifer’s? Why drag me into it?

“So, all this time you could’ve just offed yourself and ended it all then and there, but you’d rather take this obscenely long route where you drag in a stranger to do the dirty work for you?” I posed, sugarcoating nothing.

Nova’s sad eyes hit me right in the heart, and for the first time, I regretted the brutal words I threw at him. “You assume I haven’t tried, but Lucifer has intervened every time. The mark acts as an alarm system so to speak, and she’s thwarted every attempt made on my life.”

His expression would be forever engrained in my memory. It was one saturated with self-hatred and desire for nothing more than to do what he couldn’t. And I realized for the first time how strongly his sadness affected me.

I wanted to wrap my arms around his body and console him, but I asked another question instead. “So, if I kill Lucifer before I can replace the mark…?”

Nova smiled gently. “After coming to know you, Lady, I will gladly go to my death. I know that the balance of good and evil is truly safe in your hands.”

I opened and closed my mouth, a clench on my heart I hadn’t felt since realizing Aidan had died because of me. The very idea of letting this man who committed no greater sin than to fall in love with someone—granted she was a horrible fucking bitch of a person with some serious daddy issues—go to his death just to put right the wrong his love created was enough to silence any evil word waiting to leave my mouth.
