Page 48 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“Rift…” I said, smirking. “Good one.”

Nova’s eyes widened comically before he laughed out loud. “Ah, a slip of the tongue, little bird.”

“Sure it was,” I teased, not versed in how to do this make-up thing after a fight with a man I hadn’t really fought with.

It was always Aidan who made the first move or spoke up first whenever we fought, and I never really had to be the one to find some way back to our usual back-and-forth. It hurt to think I’d never get the chance to thank him for being there all these years, or to say sorry for being the asshole who left him alone out of a misguided sense of protection.

I mean, just look where it got him.

It was the greatest regret of my life, but I’d make damn sure that the people who took him from me paid for it. And because Aidan was the only person who believed in me, I’d take the risk and be the one to believe in Nova. I might never reach the normal human level of compassion or trust, but even I knew I wouldn’t be here without Nova. I would’ve never gotten any amount of revenge if it weren’t for the man currently snickering to himself beside me. It was time to put my trust into the fallen angel, because I was likely to die if I didn’t.

Hell, I was likely to die, period. Might as well trust a little before my imminent demise.

Throwing the demon a bone, I did something the old me never would have—I said something nice and truthful. “I don’t know about love, but I definitely don’t hate you,” I whispered, spinelessly looking away from him. But I caught Nova’s smile in the window’s reflection when my eyes glided over to the glass.

“It’s rare that people surprise me, Lady, but you have. Never would I have thought you’d say a kind thing to me of your own volition,” he prattled on, agitating the shit out of me.

“Stop talking before you make me regret it,” I snapped, huffing. Then I bit my lower lip and continued to stare out the window. “But I mean it. You’ve definitely got your problems, but so far, you’ve honored every word you’ve said to me—and that’s more than most of the men in my life.”

The car slowed to a crawl, and then Nova surprised me by pulling off to the side entirely. I looked over, but I didn’t get a chance to say another word before the demon’s mouth pressed hotly over mine and his hands took strong hold of my face.


Now or Never

I TRIED TO SUCK IN A breath, but Nova’s tongue swept out to tangle with mine, and I struggled to keep up with the intensity of his kiss. Finally, I yanked my head away and planted firm hands on his shoulders, keeping the demon at bay—literally. “What the actual fuck, Nova?!” I barked angrily.

The red liquid beam of his eyes hit differently tonight for some reason. “Lady…” His hands clutched tightly around my jaw, thumbs swiping across my kiss-moistened lips.

I tried to stay with the feeling of anger and frustration, but those emotions eased away as the fallen angel’s thumb made its way past my lips. Something about the overt desire in Nova’s stare made me unintentionally suck the digit into my mouth. And when the demon made a sound in his throat, inhaling sharply and body coiling with obvious lust, I’d completely forgotten why I’d stopped him at all.

The demon’s red eyes dropped to my mouth, fired up and ready to destroy anything that got in our way. “What if I said I didn’t want to do any of this? What if I asked you to come away with me and forget about everything?”

Confused, I struggled to piece a sentence together. “What do you mean?”

Nova licked his lower lip, then dropped a hot kiss on mine.

I grasped his wrists, anchoring myself to something out of fear of falling right into the seductive demon’s charm. Our tongues toyed with each other, teeth nipping, lips sliding and moving hungrily wherever they could reach before Nova’s mouth fled down my neck and I was dragged closer. A whooshing sigh left my lips the second Nova’s teeth scraped across my jugular and sensation struck my hips so hard that I worried I’d come purely from that alone.

Holy shit. What’s going on right now?

“Nova, wait…” I pleaded, my entire body tingling with the promise folded into every kiss and nibble along my neck. When I pulled away, the fallen angel’s mouth downturned.

“When I said you’ve claimed my heart and my love is a curse, I meant it. I can’t in good conscience let you walk into a battle you may not survive. I nearly lost you with Rift, and I fear what may occur when you’re forced to fight not one but two incredibly strong demons.”

Blinking slowly, I tried unsuccessfully to follow his train of thought. “Fuck you, dude.Someonedidn’t tell me demon possession by a powerful asshole like that doesn’t set off the good ol’ spidey senses. But yeah, okay, fair,” I admitted in frustration.

Had I known I’d face off with a former friend possessed by a bitch-ass motherfucker, I would’ve been a little bit more careful. Granted, lights didn’t flicker around Rift either, so pretty much all of my tell-all signs were moot. It’d be a lie to say I wasn’t worried about all the shit I didn’t know facing off with these fucking monsters, but I also felt like it was the same on their end.

Good luck figuring me and my powers out, assholes. Even I don’t know what they are.

Distancing myself from a world of thoughts, I continued, “Even if that were the case, you just want to go ahead and run away, is it? How does that solve anything? Lucifer will still be out there, and so will the rest of her dribbling asshole minions. I doubt they’d give up. Good ol’ Luci is definitely not the type. You should know that better than anyone here.”

As if my words gutted him, Nova’s hands fled my face and he sunk into his seat, completely defeated. “Must you always be so direct all the time?” he complained to my surprise.

I stared at him, totally blindsided by the petulant tone his voice had taken. “Wow…you must actually love me,” I murmured, unable to articulate it better than that.

“I’ve said as much, haven’t I?” Nova snipped back.
