Page 50 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Touching where the stone had been, I glared at Nova, demanding an answer before the old me made a grand reappearance and punished him for his silence.

“It’s merged with your body and can only be removed by its master,” the fallen angel explained, coming closer. “You.”

A sensation spider-walked down my spine before electricity sizzled across every space on my body. I reacted with a gasp, and Nova steadied me with an arm around my waist.

“It’ll take a few hours to draw the necessary power out, but soon you’ll be able to wield some of it purely with thought.” His eyes glimmered a mix of green and red. “Every strong demon’s power is unique, and something tells me that yours will be the most mesmerizing power to deign the human and demon world since Lucifer.”

I didn’t appreciate the comparison, but Nova seemed so happy with himself, I couldn’t find it in me to argue about how tactless the bastard was to bringherinto this.

Opening my mouth, I started to ask a question, but the feeling in the room shifted and Nova was already turned away with another person appearing in front of us.

“Sir,” Reese called out, voice deep and professional, “we have a problem.”

Nodding for her to continue, Reese let loose a small breath and then flicked her eyes over to me. “An entire city has gone dark. We suspect they’re killing humans to lure us out and won’t stop until we come,” Reese imparted angrily.

What a bunch of fucking bastards!

Nova hummed low in his throat, thinking. “Lady isn’t ready.”

“You’re not suggesting we let them kill humans until I am, are you?” I quickly interjected hotly. “I don’t give a shit if I’m ready or not, Nova. I’m not letting hundreds of innocent people die while we wait for my power to be ready. That’s not even an option.”

Reese’s expression darkened, clearly not used to someone talking to her demon boss like that. But I could tell from the look she offered me, the blue-haired demon agreed with what I said.

Nova’s eyes caught mine, the same look as the one he’d given me on our ride over, but then he nodded. “If that’s what you wish…”

“It is. I realize that’s playing directly into their hands, but letting people die for me goes against everything I believe in,” I argued, pointedly staring at my green-eyed companion.

“Send word to the rest, and we’ll head over there together,” Nova told Reese before the other demon disappeared and the fallen angel was pivoting my direction. “Do you feel anything?”

“Other than pissed?” I teased, and his smile was enough of a reward. “Maybe? I’m not sure. Something’s different, but I can’t really say whether or not the weird stone thingy worked.”

“The way our power works is it will come if you will it, but in your case, it’s more likely to react to danger. So, it may not be clear until the last second what it can or can’t do. Still, you wish to go?” Nova asked, almost as if he expected me to change my mind.

He should know better.

“It’s now or never. Let’s go show Dr. Sick and Madam Mayhem why they chose the wrong Lady of Hell and Fury to piss off, hmm?” I said smirking, throwing my favorite bat over my shoulder.


Grilled Cheese Power

MOONLIGHT RAINED DOWN ON THE quiet city street. No one stirred, and the eerie silence was alarming all on its own.

Nova hadn’t spoken, merely walked in his sultry way and looked around as if he were on a visit and not a hunt. His green eyes were a vibrant red already, on high alert, and the rest of the demons we brought with us spread out to every corner of the city. It’d take every ounce of concentration on my part not to attack any one of them.

How I’d know friend from foe was really anyone’s guess at this point. I’d have to rely on the voodoo necklace that disappeared into my chest, assuming it worked and I had any power at all. Hopefully, Nova was right to think it’d know the difference for me because there was a 50/50 chance I’d bash in one of our guys’ heads.

I gripped my bat, relying on its familiar feel to calm my human-side nerves. The throb of my excited pulse was in my ears, and everything felt hypersensitive to the world around me, ready for shit to go sideways.

It wasn’t that I was afraid. Quite the opposite. I wanted to sink my bat and blades into demon skulls, and it was tough to hold back the urge when Nova’s intricate plan needed to be executed perfectly to make sure we didn’t die needlessly.

Tonight was for Aidan and all the people who’d died because of me, and I’d make damn sure their sacrifice didn’t go to waste.

“No surprises,”Nova had said to me earlier with a smile, tone chastising.

Nova was a grade above the rest of the dudes I’d slept with, though I’d never tell him so. I’d unfortunately dealt with nothing but douches because I was attracted to them—a poetic irony that wasn’t lost on me, believe it. Nova was different from every asshole I’d let lick my pussy, but sometimes he channeled his inner douche-canoe ways. It had made me very close to love-tapping him with my bat, just to reorganize his dastardly thoughts a bit.

When I’d clicked my tongue and glared at him, that boyish smile of his had broadened, making me yearn to fight him as much as it made me want to climb the demon like a tree and tear the perfectly ironed clothes from his body.
