Page 51 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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If there was one thing the two of us didn’t lack, it was sexual tension at all hours of the day. It was sort of laughable at this point how much I craved him in high stress moments.

An ear-cringing howl rang out into the night and Nova’s lips lifted, his plan already set into motion. The earth rumbled and shook beneath our feet, and then the asphalt street split apart, separating the two of us. Heat overwhelmed the cold air and flames licked the open cracks of earth.

Our demon companions moved into action, flooding the space, ready to fight the oncoming horde. With special guns and weapons chosen to battle these types of demons, we prepared ourselves for what we knew was coming. Claws broke out of the fires, anchoring to the broken street before hundreds of glowing eyes appeared out of smoke and flame, then the staggering number of four-legged monsters fled the fire.

Ghostbustersgot it right. These things weren’t a far-off look from the disgusting dog-like creatures featured in the movie Aidan once forced me to watch.

“Time to play bop-a-mole,” I whispered excitedly, gripping my bat tighter. “Loser buys dinner,” I shouted at Reese, who wasn’t far from where I stood.

Her laughing expression met my next glance, her semi-automatic gun aimed at gnarly creatures crawling from the split in the road. “Regular weapon hits only, or I’ll be buying you dinner for the rest of my life,” she complained with a sneaky smile, then her gun went off and the first hellhound was sent flying back into the flames, shot by her incredible marksmanship.

My eyes captured Nova’s for a second before I swung my bat into beasts covered in waxy, obsidian-colored flesh. Demons loyal to Nova at every corner of the city were engaged by the snarling, flesh-hungry hellhounds, but it was just the first step in an elaborate trap created by my clever companion.

“We need your power to react,”Nova had said to me before we arrived at the city where humans were disappearing in high number.“Knowing Mayhem, she’ll send her dogs first to thin the numbers and isolate you. This will give us an opportunity to see what your power is and how it reacts.”

In seconds, I was surrounded by an uncountable number of hellhounds. Moving slowly, I took several steps back and watched the group tighten and encircle me.

Nova was right; they were out to cut me off from the others, and even with my power and speed, fighting off this number would take time and be relatively impossible. But Nova seemed confident my power would overcome the odds, and I didn’t have much choice but to trust the fallen angel.

I sensed the powerful energy of a demon nearby, but I didn’t have time to investigate the feeling. Something that started in my chest and then moved through my body like liquid heat broke away and flooded the world with searing light.

The hellhounds sang out in a chorus of pain before their waxy flesh melted off their bodies. Nearly fifty beasts that encircled me were suddenly liquified into puddles on the floor, no longer a threat and quite honestly somehow more disgusting to look at. The demons fighting nearby froze, completely surprised by the sudden surge of power.

To be fair, I was surprised too, because our demon allies hadn’t melted into disgusting pools of innards and bones like the hellhounds around me. Guess Nova was right to trust in the power of the stone to know who was friend and who was foe. Truth be told, I was just the slightest bit relieved I hadn’t killed Reese with the blast. That would’ve sucked more than I’d openly admit.

I looked around, confused. “Did I just melt these motherfuckers?” I thought for a second. “I’ve got what, grilled cheese power?” I joked mirthlessly.

Reese let loose a sound that was her failing to smother a laugh, and my lips twitched up into grin, tickled by catching the demon off guard.

Nova’s look of pride reached me from across the battlefield. “Heaven’s Light? Even I couldn’t have anticipated that...”

“Heaven’s Light?” I asked, eyeing the cleared space once overwhelmed by beasts straight out of my nightmares. “I’m guessing that’s not the demonic power you expected?”

Reese was all wide-eyed and smiling. “God’s gift to the angels? If that’s not pure poetic irony, I don’t know what is.”

God’s gift to angels?

Nova’s smile disappeared, and then he was gone from sight. The rest of the demons were suddenly overcome by a fit of coughing, some vomiting and others collapsing onto the ground. I turned just in time to be face to face with two oppressive figures, and it finally hit me what I was up against.

What appeared like ash and bugs surrounded a demon whose face was eerily gorgeous despite looking like he’d walked off a steampunk movie set. His pale-as-death flesh was only exposed around his face. Everything else was covered in old-timey attire. His irises were pure white, and it was one of the creepier eye colors I’d seen in a minute.

Horror movie perfect.

I instantly gathered he was the one they called Dr. Sick, and by the looks of him, he’d easily fit right into a fantasy version of a Black Plague re-telling. Honestly, the dude was just missing that crazy bird mask.

Major creep vibes, this one.

The other demon was unrealistically beautiful. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say looks like hers didn’t exist in the human world. She was all legs, boobs, and curves. She didn’t necessarily wear clothes. Instead, black smoke webbed and floated over her naked form, exposing her perfect body one moment and covering it the next. It was quite honestly distracting, but I managed to keep my eyes on her face and not her body.

What struck me most about the gorgeous woman were her blood-red eyes, which were a similar coloration to Nova’s, alongside flame-red hair that appeared as if the demon were underwater. It floated and moved around her head, never finding its way back to her shoulders.

Didn’t get any more supernatural than that.

I allowed myself only seconds to take in the two before I was dodging a sword aimed directly at me. Then I narrowly evaded a rush of bug-like creatures swarming around my body. Hellhounds emerged from open cracks in the earth, and I smacked their heavy bodies one at a time with my trusty bat, vaulting the creatures hundreds of feet into the air.

“Luci’s sister is a pretty one,” Dr. Sick said, voice sounding weirdly distorted like he was talking through a voice box. “Bet she tastes good, too.”

Madam Mayhem agreed with a surprisingly raspy voice. “Oh, yes. She’ll be fun to play with. All Luci wants is her dead. She didn’t say anything about how soon we should make it happen.”
