Page 54 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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I didn’t pretend to look away, just soaked in the gorgeous way his muscles rippled and danced in orgasm. It was only for a second, but the man’s entire body seemed to glow like it was caught in a beam of light. The black and gold veins of the mark on his pectoral slithered and moved and I stared at it, not sure what I was seeing. It’d never done that before.

What the fuck…

I opened my mouth to say something, but Nova crowded me against the wall and kissed me so hard our teeth clashed. His tongue filled my mouth, silencing me, and I clawed at his arms in a small revenge. Our lips slid and tongues fucked for long enough to make it difficult to think before Nova finally released me.

“We haven’t enough time, Lady, but we need it,” he whispered hoarsely, still pinning me to the wall. “This can’t fail. But more importantly, I can’t lose you.”

His fierce green gaze was on me again, no longer swallowed by red. The nagging sensation in my chest was back, painful and demanding.

It hit so hard every time I saw Nova’s apathetic, over-confident air retreat and reveal the truly weak man beneath. It reminded me of the same weakness I tried to hide, and maybe that was the reason I refused to truly see it until now. It was the thing that connected us, and it made me question everything I’d done up to this point.

Why hadn’t I just loved the way everyone should at least once in their life? Why did I push good people away, like Aidan and Reese? Why didn’t I indulge in things that weren’t revenge and anger? Why did I waste so much time putting up barriers and never truly letting anyone reach my heart?

With so many good people gone, it felt like all I’d done was waste time on resentment and anger every second since escaping the hell I was raised in.

Unbidden, a stream of tears trailed from my eyes, surprising me as much as it surprised the man in front of me. As if a dam had been broken, I couldn’t keep them from falling or ignore the emotion in my throat, making it difficult to breathe.

It was the second time I’d cried in front of Nova, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t angry about it. Something about the fallen angel dragged all sorts of obnoxious feelings out of me. Whether it was his kind regard or the fact that he’d been the arms I returned to when I lost someone, I couldn’t really say.

Or maybe it was because he knew it all—my past, the depth of pain and tragedy that’d filled my childhood, the reasons my heart went cold at such a young age, and the desperate desire to punish every bad man who’d ever hurt a woman.

He knew everything.

It didn’t make sense, but I leaned up and kissed the man in front of me, seeking the soothing escape of his touch. Nova wrapped his large, eclipsing arms around my body and held me tight, knowing perfectly well what I needed and giving it to me.

Water washed over us, but all I could feel was his kiss and tongue, comforting my pain and sorrow. Then he pulled away and my eyes caught sight of his mark again, the black and gold ink slithering like it did earlier. I watched it in confusion, and Nova’s green gaze dropped to it. The ink slowed to a stop, and the fallen angel let loose a breath.

“How curious…”

I looked up at him, and his smile was honestly way too goddamn bright after I’d just cried like a total asshole in his arms. “Has it done that before?”

“Never,” he replied shortly. I waited for the bastard to continue, but the demon didn’t say anything more about it. Instead, he lathered everywhere within reach with soap and helped me wash the rest of the evening off my body. “We leave in the morning.”

“For?” I asked, washing Nova’s body with eager hands.

The ethereal gleam was back in the demon’s gaze, and it made my hands freeze on his soapy chest. Nova bent his head forward and our foreheads met for a second. His fingers caressed my arms, then my neck, his eyes on my naked body before I cleared my throat and he finally looked up again.

“I’m not really in the mood for all the roundabout conversation tonight, asshole. So say it before violence becomes option numero dos,” I warned, watching the fallen angel’s lips rise in amusement.

“Can’t make a lady wait, can I?” he joked, clearly proud of himself for that little pun of stupidity.

Maybe violence is option numero uno…

“You wish for nothing more than to hurt me right now, don’t you?” he asked, knowing full well my hand was fisted and ready to make good on my threat.

I pushed the taunting asshole away and stole all the hot spray, punishing him with the cold air of the shower. His laughing smile only pissed me off more before he spoke again, finally relenting.

“I have someone who could help…hmm, train your power in a short period of time,” Nova explained, smile fading.

I washed the soap away from my chest and stomach and didn’t miss how the demon’s eyes followed the water all the way down to my feet.

What a perv.

“I’m sensing a huge-ass ‘but’ coming,” I said, eyeing the man reproachfully.

His smile was back, and I hated how much I reacted to it every time the demon looked like he was the proudest dad in the room. “I’m not confident he’ll help, but he owes me a favor, and I think he’d be on board with what we intended to do.”Here comes the huge-ass ‘but.’“But—”Called it!“He may not trust my true motives,” Nova finally admitted, and I laughed out loud without meaning to.

“What, a cryptic-as-fuck dude like you giving someone the impression you can’t be trusted? I’m shocked.Trulyshocked,” I sassed, lips lifted devilishly.
