Page 65 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“Shit, Lady. You’re killing me here,” Fable lamented, still working the condom over his cock. “I can’t focus with you kissing and biting like that.”

“Some all-powerful being you are,” I taunted in a seductive purr. “I can be drunk, fuck you, and still fight after if I have to.”

His eyes shut, and he groaned again. “Ah, fuck. You’re going to make me blow my load before I get this damn thing on.”

As hilarious as I’d find that, it wasn’t gratifying for the present state of my revved-up body. I’d rather not tempt fate with my propensity towards taunting arrogant men, and who knows what Tomorrow Lady might have to say about this little lapse in judgment.

Knocking his hands away, I finished the job for him and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. Then I sunk myself down onto the angel’s much-too-large dick, boldly finishing what we’d started.

Let Tomorrow Lady deal with the aftermath.

Fable’s entire body went rigid, his hands grabbing my hips in surprise, and he dropped his forehead against my chest to inhale a great, heaving breath.

I didn’t give him the benefit of another.

Rocking and thrusting, I worked the throbbing length to my liking, hitting all my favorite spots. His hands lifted me off his cock slightly when he’d recovered from shock, and then he thrust me back down onto it.

Soon, it was a room full of grunts, moans, and panting breaths.

My head knocked back into a curse as Fable angled himself and hit a spot that was a shot right to the clit. I bit and licked his lips, liking how the color of them matched his wings after my mistreatment. Amber beams connected with mine before I was on all fours with Fable fucking me from behind, the loud slaps of our skin echoing in the room.

His wings even hilariously knocked over some shit on the wall, but my giggling was cut short by his teeth sinking into my shoulder. He pounded into me, pinning my arms to my chest and my body to the bed with his over two-hundred pounds of weight, and the brutal pleasure took my body hostage. Normally, I’d put a big dominant brute like him in his place, but the crazy-level pleasure quieted my complaints.

When he drove into me so hard there were white spots in my vision, my orgasm came out of nowhere and locked up my body against his. The angel grunted and shuddered, and then laid out next to me with his beautiful tattooed body glistening in perspiration.

I breathed through a trembling sigh and went onto my back as well. “I guess that was okay,” I mumbled begrudgingly, the drunk fog still wreaking havoc on my senses.

Fable visibly tensed and then laughed so hard it made my own smile appear. “I’ll try really hard not to let that go to my head,” he said through bouts of laughter. “My god, woman. You’re savage, and I fucking love it.”


Mood Wings

AN ENDLESS OCEAN STRETCHED OUT all around me. My feet were soaked but never sank into the dark depths below. The sky rumbled with the angry storm taking hold of it. Rain pelted relentlessly against my body from all directions. Salt water washed over my lips and face and soaked into what little clothes I wore, but the chill never truly reached my bones.

Taking a step, I looked at the dangerous sea, nothing but foaming waves crashing all around me. The sky strobed with flashes of light before an illuminated streak took a path across it, a haunting visual of power. As the storm raged above, the electricity in the air tickled my flesh.

Still, I walked on without understanding why. Walked over sloshing water and crashing waves, my body saturated in the storm’s rain and the ocean’s sprays. Walked towards an endless horizon, glimmering with webs of lightning. Beckoned by the dark beauty of the world around me, and for some reason, not afraid of the water beneath my feet.

A figure loomed ahead of me, dark and ominous like the first illusion I shared with him. My pulse was in my ears, my hand aching for my comfort bat, as I carefully strolled closer. The looming figure stood strong against terrible winds and crashing waves, immobile despite the ongoing assault. When I was feet away, he turned towards me.

Ethereal emerald-green eyes landed on me, stopping my forward trek. His dark, water-soaked hair whipped around his head in a crazy dance. His expensive clothes were drenched and tried to cling to his body, but they were no match for the storm, so they flapped and pulled the direction the wind blew.

Something about the dream demon seemed darker, less like the Nova I’d come to know. The fallen angel didn’t smile like he usually did. His expression struck me to stone where I stood. It was the same look he’d given me when I left with Fable. Sadness had become my dream demon companion, and I ached to hold him.

Opening my mouth, I wanted to demand if this was another one of his illusions and why he’d dragged me out to the middle of the ocean, a place he knew I hated, but my voice didn’t find its way out. Before I could say a damn word, someone’s arms wrapped around Nova from behind—slender, pale, and noticeably female.

A black and gold mark was visible on the top of one delicate, black nail-polished hand, and I immediately recognized it to be the same one Nova had on his pec. His scarred mark might have been distorted by the corruption of removing it in part, but it was easy to see they matched.

Sighing, Nova took hold of the arms encircling his waist and guided the woman embracing him into view, his eyes fleeing mine to follow her instead. Her beauty was striking with one glance, but what I noticed before anything else was she and I could be twins. Except, instead of pink hair, black hair swished and flew out around her curvy but slender body covered in a thin, see-through black lace dress.

It was disconcerting to see the mirror image of myself in the woman’s face, and worse when I registered that she could be no one other than Lucifer. Then came the brutal avalanche of why Nova might’ve been so eager to connect and chase after me.

I feel sick.

The toned definition of her body flexed and moved under moon-white flesh, and to be honest, despite sharing similar features, she wore them a hundred times better. The main difference between us was the eyes. Hers were a liquid red color, a bloody lake moving inside irises that beamed brighter than the green ones beside her. Mine were a radiant blue, like a pair of sapphires struck by daylight.

The intense air of malice that laced every glance in my direction was just as striking as her beauty.
