Page 71 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Nova’s breathing painted my face as he pulled away. His glowing red-green eyes danced from mine, down to my lips, then dropped to my hips, before he sighed. “I shouldn’t have left you with him.”

“But you did,” I whispered, staring at his mouth.

Nova’s eyes dropped out of sight before they came up all red. “I did.” His thumb passed over my bottom lip. “And I’m hoping you will be honest about whether or not there’s still space for me.”

Don’t give your hand away, Lady. You’re not charmed. You’ll never be charmed.

I scoffed before lacing each word I said with sarcasm. “Are you really telling me you think Fable has the sort of seduction power to enslave me in only a couple weeks? Me? You don’t know me at all, asshole.”

His thick laughter was a comfort to hear that I’d never openly admit to him—or anyone really. “Yes. I can see now how misguided I was to ever think anyone could conquer you, whether it was in mind or body.”

“Damn. Fucking. Right,” I sassed, enjoying the way we fell right back into a tit-for-tat that veered on mean-spirited.

Nova’s expression darkened. “She’s coming. We meet tomorrow night on hallowed ground. I will pay my debt as promised, but something tells me Fable offered you another deal.”

Wow, his intuition is scary good.

“He did,” I confirmed.

It was choose now or have it chosen for me, and I always went out on my terms.

“And you’ve made a decision?” he asked searchingly.

My lips tilted and I leaned up, hovering my mouth close to his. “We do it my way. I reject every deal. I choose the Lady option.”

His eyes danced in confusion across my face, clearly not expecting it. “The…Lady option?”

I didn’t answer, simply closed the space between us and kissed him again.

I’d nearly forgotten who I was. I was the half-breed bitch. Lady of Hell and Fury. There was always the Lady option. And they’d both find out what that was soon enough.

AWKWARD DIDN’T COVER THE FEELING of Nova perched on a sunlit couch while Fable cooked the three of us a meal.

I stared at the demon, not used to seeing his gorgeous features in daylight quite like this. Or in something that wasn’t a suit. He’d chosen a simple top and pair of slacks, and outside of his nighttime clothes, I’d never seen him where anything so…casual. Except, you know, that one time he played evil Dom at the demon club.

Good times.

But even these clothes looked chic and alluringly dark on him. If anything, he was more intimidating in today’s choice. Let’s just say that if I’d seen Nova out and about, I’d be trailing him to see what kind of mischief he was getting into, sure he was about to commit a few felonies with his little tattooed lackeys.

The fallen angel had rolled the sleeves of his expensive-as-shit shirt halfway up his arms, so it was distracting whenever he’d run a hand through his hair or fix his posture and those strong forearms would visibly flex. Not that I was staring every time he did.

Goddamn sexy bastard.

Stuck alone with the two gorgeous, otherworldly men, I was having trouble appearing the ever-aloof bad bitch I aimed to be at every minute of the day. And that was a real problem. It never used to be this hard, and I blamed my newfound sex drive for the thoughts that weren’t about bashing the next bastard with my trusty bat.

I’d gone soft, and it made me homicidal.

Honestly, the fight with Lucifer couldn’t come fast enough. Either I ended this whole bad dream by killing the bitch and returning balance to the world—but mostly killing the bitch—or I died. Whatever the case, I wouldn’t have to suffer this super depressing future of a woman enslaved to her sexual urges. At least I’d get to name my terms after I wiped my weirdo evil twin from existence. I wouldn’t have to dance to these two bastards’ tune.

I’m ready to be the one calling the fucking shots.

Nova had shown up out of nowhere this morning after stealing me away to an illusion. Or should I say, after a much-needed round of illusion sex to reacquaint ourselves with each other.

“If I had come to you tonight in person, would you smell like him?”he’d asked me right before driving his cock inside me. The freak in me was horribly turned on by the clear jealousy tainting the fallen angel’s question. It didn’t take me long to come, and I clung to the bastard as he smacked into me with a force sure to take us over the rooftop.

But after taking me right there in the storm, Nova disappeared and I was left sitting on the edge of the building with my legs dangling.

Illusion sex didn’t really satisfy the physical body the way normal sex with him did, so I dropped to the street and destroyed the first demon I sensed nearby. Tearing the dude to pieces and coating the asphalt with his blood relieved the tension, and I went back to Fable a little happier because of it.
