Page 79 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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He hadn’t tossed any money at the bouncers yet to buy his way in, but that was likely just a courtesy. The South African didn’t flaunt how well off he was if he didn’t need to. He gave the rest of us room to shine, the asshole.

I hated what a goddamn humanitarian Aidan was sometimes.

If Serena and I made it into the VIP rooms, Aidan would be quick to follow because, while he gave us room to do what we did best, he was a worrywart at heart and the true mother of the group. So, I expected the always-watching Shadow Stalker to trail after us. He’d want to make sure neither one of us got into hot water.

But I was a chick who thrived in danger and chaos, so I secretly hoped he didn’t show up right away. I wanted to figure out what it was about this suit-wearing jerk that piqued my interest.

Scanning the crowd, my eyes stopped on a woman I thought at first was a hallucination. The crowd didn’t look at her or even acknowledge her existence, which was impossible because someone that gorgeous wouldn’t go unnoticed. But more than her ethereal beauty, it was her doppelganger looks that stole my breath for a second. The bitch was my carbon copy with black hair and…red eyes.


It was as if everything slowed to a crawl the second our eyes met. Another memory forgotten raged against my brain, demanding I remember. It was in the echo of my gut telling me to run, to fight, to do something, and I didn’t understand the sudden urges clawing at my throat.

But as soon as I caught sight of her, she was gone. And no matter how many times I scanned the mass of clubgoers, I never saw my evil twin again. She’d vanished the same way the lightning had, and I was stuck wondering if I’d been the only one to see her.

This night is crazy fucked already.

The weird illusion woman was yet another thing to add to the growing list of things that made me nearly certain I’d lost my marbles—for real this time. And if not that, then the sight of her was seriously bad news.

A female demon was something even I couldn’t fight. Granted, I would because it was in my nature to go out fighting no matter the odds, but demon chicks were stronger than any of the male demons we’d faced—capable of powers that warped the brain and seduced the strongest willed.

I hoped for the sake of the people I came here with that she was merely my brain’s way of telling me that the demon inside me was the one I most feared. Or some psychobabble bullshit Aidan liked to ramble on about.

After exhaling the sudden tension in my body over an encounter with…well, myself, I caught Ty’s dark gaze in the crowd when I turned my head again.

The Shadow Stalker was also surrounded by women who I’d argue spent their lives chasing red flags and Chads. My mouth slid up before I stuck my tongue out at the surprised asshole. The look the uptight bastard sent at Aidan was worth the momentary break from seductive goth goddess to good ol’ Ty-taunting Lady.

My night had been nothing short of fucking weird, so Ty’s always hilarious responses were the only thing I could count on. I might find the oversized brute annoying, but he never failed to entertain me when I teased him.

He mouthed something like “crazy bitch,” and I winked at him before flipping the asshole off. Then I let my prey lead me to the back, all but forgetting my strange red-eyed twin in the crowd.

“You never told me your name,” I muttered as the green-eyed stranger took me to a secluded section of the club, cut off from the main population.

Aidan and the rest would have a hell of a time finding this place. I hadn’t even been aware it existed. It was separate from the usual rich-and-we-know-it types. Based on my previous experiences with clubs, it was a room purely for people whose importance exceeded the average rich joe.

Consider my interest doubly piqued.

I figured I could excuse myself to the bathroom if I wanted to check out the other spaces for the demon we hunted. But what if I’d already found him?

“Nova,” his thick baritone answered, the sound of it crawling across my bare flesh like phantom fingers, and I fought the urge to shudder. “And you?”

Scoffing, I walked around him and sunk fingers into my hair, making damn sure my naked stomach and back were exposed. “That’s not a name. That’s an astronomical event. But sure. And the name’s Lady,” I sassed before taking a seat on the leather loveseat. I set my bat down next to me, catching Nova’s interest when I propped it up.

“That’s an odd accessory to bring with you to a club.”

I shrugged and crossed a leg over, the slit of my mini skirt exposing my panty line and giving the bastard plenty to look at. “Think of it like my pet. I don’t go anywhere without it.”

Nova’s eyes strayed to my waist, and the green of his eyes caught the ambient glow of a nearby sconce, giving them a devilish radiance somehow fitting for the dark prince wannabe.

I watched the smartly dressed man take in a powerful breath before an impish smirk played across his lips. “We may have just met, but somehow I know nothing suits you better than that bat.”

It happened before I knew it. I laughed. Covering my mouth, it took me a second to stop myself, and then I patted the seat next to me. It was time to turn the seduction up a notch.

I didn’t like the little part of me turned on by the devious grins and flirty banter; the part of me that yearned for Nova to stare and touch as much as he wanted. It hadn’t ever been a problem. No one tempted me, and that was already a big fucking red flag. If he was the demon we were looking for, then it was a dangerous game I played. One wrong move and I could go from having the upper hand to being demon food.

The few strong demons who crossed over usually required more than the typical smash and bash. I needed to be strong enough to get their hearts out and sever their heads, and Aidan had once warned even that might not be enough. Some demons required more, and if that was the case, I’d be royally fucked should this night go sideways.

I eyed the exit, confident I could make it out if anything went wrong. I never liked to run from a fight, but it’d only be for the night. I’d be back. I was nothing if not recklessly diligent about getting my man. But until Nova gave me a reason to get the hell out of dodge, I was going to see how everything played out.
