Page 81 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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HE TASTED LIKE AN ODD mix of scotch and mint. It distracted my head before I kissed him back. Remembering my damn job, I threw a leg over him and settled onto his lap. I kissed his throat, his rich cologne penetrating the senses, before working the buttons loose on his dress shirt.

I’d argue in my head it was all for the job, jumping the sexy probably-demon dark prince wannabe, but I wanted to get him naked and inside me before reality hit.

His hands gripped my fishnet-covered thighs before sneaking under my skirt and grabbing me around the ass. I was yanked closer and rubbed over the growing hardness in his pants. “You smell heavenly,” Nova whispered as I nipped his earlobe. “Makes a desperate sod wonder what you taste like.”

The low rumble in my ears made my waist jerk and roll. I couldn’t help the wanting gasp when it was nothing but pleasure washing into my lower half—the kind that tingles and tenses. Then an odd sensation of familiarity started to bloom the longer I touched him, to the point of losing focus. Still, I ignored it the best I could. I was determined to at least see his naked body before I had to throw the bastard to the ground with my bat.

Tearing his shirt open, I caught sight of a dark tattoo on his pectoral. Something about it stopped me dead in my tracks, another creeping sensation of a memory forgotten coming over me.

“Are you sure this is what you really want to do?”

My body stiffened at the sound of his voice in my head again, the gentle rumble nothing like the thick seductive timbre he had now. It was born out of concern, not lust. It was another memory, and it ate away at my confidence I’d gone crazy. This was something different. My gut told me so.

“This can’t fail. But more importantly, I can’t lose you.”

The whispers of his voice continued as the Nova in front of me removed my clothes piece by piece, tossing them to the floor into a small pile. He worshipped each newly exposed expanse of skin with his mouth and fingers, biting and licking, sucking and kissing.

But I was slowly starting to recognize the man in front of me; memories and his voice played like a movie in the background. My body went through the motions of a woman enthralled by the heat of the moment, but my head was wholly tuned into the Nova memory channel.

“Fight beside me, Lady. Only you can.”

All the remaining memories hit in a massive, overwhelming rush, every part of who I was and what I’d lived settling back into place. I finally remembered what I was meant to be doing before I got stuck in this godforsaken place.

I struggled to breathe when the man I sat on thrust his cock inside me and dropped his head to suck on my breast, oblivious to what was happening inside my head. I clung to him and moaned, losing the hold I had over my mind. Sensations slammed into my body like a tidal wave, and it took a second to get my thoughts together.

Well, the fact that Nova was a sex god hadn’t changed. Even stuck in whatever the fuck this was, he still banged like the devil he was.

Nova’s hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing like it always did, but something about the way he held me was violent and dangerous—nothing likemyNova.

With my memories back, I put the pieces together with the demon’s cock still slamming into me. Leave it to me to be in the middle of a dream bang before the thinker did its damn job. But it was clear the bitch had attacked my mind like Nova warned she’d do when I was marking the fallen angel and Fable.

I was in Lucifer’s cunningly constructed fear dream.

The grip Nova had on my throat was nothing compared to the one on my heart, because it meant that Aidan, Ty, Serena, they were all being used to toy with my emotions. They weren’t really here. They were still dead, and the brutal reminder overpowered pleasure.

That bitch had used everyone I cared about to keep me locked inside this fucking place, and I’d make damn sure she paid for it. But I wasn’t here alone.

It wasn’t clear how I knew that the sexy but evil Nova holding my hips and thrusting into me was my gentle Nova still caught in the snare of her dream amnesia, but I did. In my “grossly in love but resigned to it” heart, I knew it was him. And it was up to me to make him remember who he was—to remember who we were together.

The fear, the loss, the hope, the love, it was what we needed to break free because those were feelings she could never steal from me. They were what gave my power life.

But when I yanked the fallen angel’s head back, ready to demand he listen, his eyes were blood-red and glowing—the look before the kill. I’d know it anywhere because it was the same one I wore before landing a blow on an enemy.

Before I could say a word, I was pinned to the sofa underneath him, a black dagger aimed at my heart. Thanks to my nifty Nova training, I’d quickly aimed a dagger back, the tip of the blade already impaling his skin. It was acid in my throat when his blood dripped onto my exposed chest, the desire to lick and drink it so strong it overpowered sense.

The completely naked fallen angel chuckled to himself, his incisors lengthening to his demon’s fangs. But his fangs weren’t what struck me in that moment; it was the seriously evil air my usually sexy but gentle Nova put out. Was this Nova before he got smart and left Lucifer? Or was I looking at what he’d become if she got her hands on him again?

The fear was back, terrorizing my body the same way it had in the previous fear dream. The way it had when I was up against a man three times my size, knowing he could rape or kill me. I only had to make a choice to lay there and take it or fight. But in this case, the choice was either kill someone I loved or be killed by them.

“I should’ve expected you couldn’t be caught by surprise. You are the blood of my one true love…” Nova whispered in a voice nothing like him. It was far more demon than I was used to hearing.

Of course Lucifer would dream-control Nova into loving her. The bitch was nothing if not consistent. But he hadn’t sunk the blade in. He’d only aimed it the same way I had. Maybe he wasn’t too far from recognition. Maybe we had a chance.

“Kill her, Nova. Do it while I watch,” I heard someone say from the corner of the room, and I would’ve known that musical voice anywhere.


Nova’s body tensed and the blade cut in slightly. I sucked in a breath but didn’t move or fight back. His expression twisted in on itself, the sight of me hurt apparently affecting him.
