Page 86 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“A mistake,” he finished, smirking. “I know.”

“It’s not—”

“Going to happen again,” Fable inserted with another obnoxious grin, and I glared at him. “I know.”

I finished putting on my clothes and crossed my arms, hip out to one side. “Why am I sensing this was your plan all along?”

Fable rose from the bed in all his naked glory, and I swallowed. He strolled over to me, walking me back to the door with his ridiculous size. “Because it was.” Dropping a kiss on my snarling lips and dragging me into his body, Fable whispered his next words against my mouth after dipping his tongue in, “He might’ve found you first, Lady, but I intend to be the last one who gets to have you.”

I stared at Fable, a little blindsided by the growling declaration, before he walked out of the room. The green eyes of the man in question met my straying gaze when it followed the naked angel as he headed for the bathroom.

Nova’s face never gave him away. “Good morning, little bird. Are you ready to go to Hell today?”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. Then I made my way out of Fable’s room. “How about we all go to Hell.”

His answering laugh eased the tension in my chest as I collected my bat and prepared myself for the beginning…or was it the end?Well, whatever.Time to go to Hell and bring Lady’s special brand of justice to all the deserving demons and bastard souls awaiting it.

To Be Continued…?
