Page 159 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“Why would you do that?” Crystal shook her head sadly. “We once lost people who thought as you did, who allowed their pursuit of power to consume them, and in so doing, they destroyed the Immortals.”

“The Guardians,” Ava guessed.

“Yes,” Crystal confirmed. “Remember the sins of the Guardians. Because of their vanity—because of their thirst for power—the great Immortals are forever gone.”

“But the Guardians’ tragic tale didn’t end there,” Silver said. “Because they didn’t stop with the Immortals. The Guardians’ bitterness lived on. Not even that terrible act of revenge could put out the flame of their anger. Even now, they are searching for a way to destroy the gods and demons, you favored children of the Immortals. Children who were given much better magic—or so the Guardians believe.”

Grace looked at Ava. “The Guardians are coming for us.”

“Their magic might just be the most powerful of all, a magic to end all magic.” Ava’s voice shook. “They have the power to render magic useless—whether spell, potion, or artifact.”

Sonja’s laughter sliced through their distress. “Oh, please,” she said, derisive. “I know a ghost story when I hear one. They are trying to scare you. And like naive little girls, you’ve let them.” Sonja pointed her flaming sword at Crystal and Silver. “But I will not let them do the same to me. I will take their power, and with it, I will defeat the Guardians.”

“Oh, dear,” Crystal said sadly. She waved her hand, and the flames went out on Sonja’s sword.

“Violence isn’t welcome here.” Silver clapped her hands once, and Sonja vanished.

“What have you done with our sister?” Ava demanded.

“I sent her back home,” replied Silver.

“She was acting very rude.” Crystal shook her head in quiet disapproval. “Galactic domination is simply not welcome here.”

“Was she right?” Grace asked them. “Are the Guardians just a ghost story you told to scare us? Or are they truly coming for us?”

“The Guardians’ hearts are full of envy, hatred, and vengeance,” Silver said. “They might not act today or even this century, but eventually they will strike out against the demons and the gods.”

“Can’t you help us stop them?” Grace asked.

Crystal blinked. “Why?”

“Because the Guardians have your kind of magic. Passive magic. They are the responsibility of the spirits and eidolons. Your responsibility,” Grace told them.

“We don’t operate under the same magical hierarchy as you do,” Silver said.

“And we don’t take sides,” Crystal added.

“But you have to,” Grace told them. “You just have to.”

Ava set her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Forget it, Grace. They’re pacifists.”

But Grace wasn’t giving up so easily. “Can you at least tell us where to find the Guardians?” she asked the two passive magic deities.

“Why? So you can launch a preemptive strike?” Silver replied. “No, we can’t tell you how to find them. That would be interfering. In fact, we’ve told you too much already.”

“We should warn them about the savior,” Crystal said to her.

“No.” Silver’s voice was sharp.

“Who is this savior?” Ava asked sweetly.

Crystal smiled. “She is the one who will—”

“Enough,” Silver cut her off.

Crystal shook her head. “Sorry. I don’t know what got into me. The words just flowed off my tongue.”

“She got into you.” Silver’s eyes locked on to Ava. “Siren magic.”
