Page 44 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“I don’t need any powers of future sight to know that’s going to happen,” I said. “Our daughter has the powers of the gods, demons, and the original Immortals. And she might have the power to tap into the collective memories of the whole universe, the knowledge and secrets of all the great and powerful civilizations like the Immortals. That is, if Grace’s plan worked.”

“There are many things the gods and demons—or the Guardians, for that matter—do not know of the Immortals’ magic and research,” Nero said. “Things like how to make immortal artifacts and how to create all combinations of supernaturals.”

“With that knowledge, someone could also give themselves new powers, even passive magic,” I said. “So whether or not Grace is trying to manipulate us, it’s no secret that our daughter is in danger from those who would seek to exploit her.”

Calli nodded. “You have a point.”

“See, that’s why I need to figure out what happened.” I cut open the roll on my plate, releasing a tiny cloud of steam. “What happened in the past holds the key to the future, to my daughter’s future. And to all our futures, for that matter. I need to know everything so I can protect her.”

“We will, of course, help you in any way that we can, Leda,” Calli promised.

I spread a generous layer of Calli’s delicious garlic butter over each half of my roll. “Tell me more about your friend, the one who led you to all of us. The man named Gaius Knight.”

“Gaius definitely led me to each of you. I just don’t know why.” Calli frowned.

“He sent you to the orphanage where you found me,” Bella said.

“He once warned you against taking a job, which is why you were home when my mother brought me here,” Zane added.

“He got you the treasure-hunting job that brought you to the Sea of Sin.” Tessa looked at Gin.

“Where you met us,” Gin said.

“And one of his jobs led you to me on the streets of Purgatory,” I finished.

“Yes, Gaius led me to all of you.” Calli’s eyes panned across us, the five once-children that she’d taken in. “And once you were with us, Leda, I didn’t see him ever again.”

“He used you,” I said. “He put you into position, so you could raise us.”

Calli frowned. “So it would seem. But why?”

“You must be important. For some reason, it had to be you that raised us, Calli. And we had to grow up together. ” I took another roll from the basket, turning it over in my hand. “River told me that Zane was important to me. She said the bond we shared was important. And Ava told Bella that she made sure Bella ended up with me, so she could be my protector.”

“Perhaps Gaius Knight was one of Ava’s soldiers, working undercover on Earth,” Bella suggested. “Ava is the Demon of Hell’s Army, and she is quite close with her sister Grace. They could have planned this together.”

“I’m not sure, Bella.” I frowned at the roll in my head. “Grace said I was stolen from her. She blames Faris for it.”

“Grace might be lying,” Calli pointed out.

“True. It sure wouldn’t be the first time. It’s just…well, Grace wanted to perform even more magic rituals on me as a baby, but then I was taken away from her before she could. I don’t trust Grace, but I do think she’d have wanted to keep her weapon—me—close to her all those years. If nothing else, then to better manipulate me. Something else is going on here. This is bigger than just Grace’s plans for me.”

“I’m sure it is, but right now it’s dinnertime, and no demon, god, or other kind of troublemaker has a place at my table.” Calli winked at me.

“Even this troublemaker?” I pointed at myself.

“You don’t make trouble, Leda. Trouble just follows you around like a lost puppy.”

I frowned at her. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

Calli patted me on the back. “You’re adept at catching trouble by the tail. Just as I know you will this time. I have faith in you, Leda. You will find a way to keep your daughter safe. But the best way you can take care of your daughter right now is by taking care of yourself. You’re eating for two now.” She shoveled some carrots onto my plate.

“She’s certainly been eating enough cake for ten,” Zane commented, grinning at me.

“What’s that?” Calli asked him.

“Never mind him.” I poked the carrots with my fork. “His mind is still addled from a whole day of nonstop flirting with Nerissa and Ivy.”

Zane stuck his tongue out at me.

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