Page 30 of The Fool

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We all sat in the living room as Quaid called Tobin to see if anything more had been found.


“So, what now?” Mom asked. “Can we go get her?”

“We’re going there.” Dad stood up. “I’m going to book a flight.”

They left within the hour.

Everyone left, one by one, angry and hurt, leaving me at my parents’ place, alone.

I fell over sideways on the couch, then stared at the floral pattern so long that I finally gave up the ghost and fell asleep.

The next thing I remembered was the doorbell waking me up.


I made a mistake.

-Ande to Keene after eating an entire cake


“What the fuck are you doing?”

I looked up at Autry and grinned. “Hand-knitting a blanket.”

“Hand-knitting a blanket,” he repeated, looking at me like I’d lost my marbles. “Why?”

I thought about telling him about Ande, then decided against it.

It wasn’t that I didn’t think he’d understand—he would—I just wanted to keep her to myself for a little bit longer.

Ande was special, and I wanted to continue enjoying her by myself until my sisters and the rest of my extended family started to insert themselves into our lives.

“It’s cathartic,” I lied.

“It’s something.” He shook his head. “It looks soft, though.”

It was soft.

Soft as fuck.

I made sure to find the softest material I could find, which also ended up costing a fuckin’ arm and a leg.

“I spent enough money on this yarn, it better be fuckin’ soft,” I murmured. “It’s chenille.”

“I don’t know what chenille is,” he admitted. “But it looks like I’ll be buying a blanket in it.”

I chuckled, then stopped when I reached the end of the row and looked up at him. “What’s up?”

He looked disgusted. “That girl we saved died.”

My heart sank. “They couldn’t get rid of the infection?”

He shook his head, looking sick. “It’d just gone on too long. The doctors did everything they could, but it wasn’t enough this time. Winston said the parents were overjoyed to have her back for that short amount of time, though. And they have closure. Something they didn’t have before we found her.”

This world was absolutely disgusting.
