Page 12 of Major Dad

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When my ex dropped Caden,our six-year-old son, on my doorstep, I wasn’t prepared to figure out all the logistics of getting him to and from school. He has after-school care, martial arts practice, and homework. The education system has different holidays and off-days than the military. And sometimes I have to work nights and weekends.

To top it all off, Lisa, didn’t consider leaving him with any extra clothes or any of his toys, books or personal things he could entertain himself with. I could be biased but my kid is such a little trooper, he didn’t let out a word of complaint. He must be used to this solitude, hence the playing with sticks and insects for friends.

Over dinner, I taught him how to make paper airplanes and he sat swinging his legs, happy as a clam while he purposely folded every menu the waitress supplied him with. Guilty dad then took him on a shopping spree worthy of Christmas. Christ, the price of kids shoes, when they’re only going to outgrow them before they wear out. But having him with me is worth whatever it costs. His little hand clutching mine as he asks me all sorts of questions about fighter jets. The way he looks at me makes me feel like the greatest fucking hero.

For a little while.

I’d arranged to have a calabash auntie pick him up from school and drop him at tae kwon do practice, but she’d sent me a text message this morning letting me know she was extremely sick.

Stupid me, I’d messaged her back not to worry about it. Then I forgot my little guy didn’t have a ride. Too busy with my hands all over my CO’s daughter. At least he’s safe with Marta.

After dropping him off and feeling like a bigger shit as he clung to my neck, me on my knees, unwilling to let each other go. I drive for a while, out of the way, instead of going straight home. I need time to think before I pack my gear and try to get a few hours sleep before I’m picked up to go to the airport at o-dark-thirty. My thoughts keep returning to Rylie.

I can’t get her out of my mind, and I’m not sure I want to. I’ve been struck lately by a recurring vision of her. It keeps returning to me, like when the wind shifts and the scent of plumeria and night jasmine fill my little cottage. I see her brown eyes looking at me. I watch as she teases me with her lips and wiggles her hips. I want her.

The mere glimpse of her presence in my imagination fires my libido. My wood is standing tall and with every heartbeat, it pulses with desire. I find myself driving down her street, knowing full well I can’t stop and see her.

I’m not sure when I made the decision to turn this direction, but like a homing pigeon, I find myself being driven by instinct and desire. I know her bedroom window is the one covered with a bamboo shade. I helped Frank install them last year. The wooden window covering blocks any chance of catching a glimpse of her as I drive by, but I still imagine her there, winking, smiling enticingly, summoning me to her bed. I slow the car and then realize how reckless I’m acting. She’s unavailable to me. No matter what actions I take, I can’t see a way around the obstacles that separate us.

Ten minutes later I pull into my driveway.

I’m still frustrated, hard, aching. Desire has clouded my mind so much that I barely make it to my bedroom before I’ve stripped off my clothes. Closing my eyes, I think of Rylie. I feel the heat between my legs and know there’s only one way I’ll find comfort and get a restful sleep tonight.

She’s standing over me licking her lips.

Her hips sway in a slow, seductive hula dance.

Rylie’s breasts move in time with her body.

Placing her hand on her pussy, she strokes her clit and teases.

Lustful brown eyes captivate me.

I work myself into a frenzy, rubbing my huge shaft vigorously to the image in my head of her standing naked before me. As I release in an explosion, I whisper, “Rylie.” Hearing the sweet syllables that form her name I say, “I want you in my life.”

I gasp and bring my breathing back under control. Sweat drips from my face. In the shower, minutes after I’ve come, I spend an eternity under the cold water simultaneously telling myself I’ll do whatever it takes to have a chance with her and that it’s an impossible fantasy that will only end in heartbreak.

Just a few hourslater I look out the window. Below me is a blanket of white so thick I cannot see the ocean. As the plane levels off high in the atmosphere, I attempt to sleep, but I’ve got too much on my mind to enter dreamland.

Rylie’s presence in the past, has been distracting and disconcerting at times, but I always felt it was a passing phase.

The more time that passed, as she transformed from an awkward teen to a graduate with an advanced degree, the more I realized I wanted to know her in ways that would do nothing but cause problems. Now my desire for her has incited a lack of care about potential problems and an obsession with the lack and loss I’d feel if she wasn’t in my life.

Her silky smooth skin pressed against mine. Perky round breasts, long tan legs, and in my imagination I see a tight little pussy ready to enrapture me.

Imagining her now, I get an uncomfortable feeling in my groin that accompanies a bothersome badly-timed hard-on.

Shit. It isn't a good time to have my pants-soldier standing at attention. I’m on a military flight along with a dozen guys from my unit. We’re headed to a Navy base on Guam to deal with a legal issue sparked by an altercation between a few Army grunts, a couple of jarheads, and two Navy SEALS.

SNAFU applies in triplicate, and I’m sure by the end of the day there will be significant repercussions going up the chain-of-command. My job is to make sure everyone plays fairly with the law, a task which is harder than it looks.

Even as I consider my duties, my uncomfortable erection won’t go away. Rylie’s magic works on me even when I’m a thousand miles away. I shift in my seat.

“Hey, Hayes,” someone says from the next aisle over, “you look like you need to let one loose. Do us a favor and take it to the head.”
