Page 18 of Major Dad

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I turnon the air conditioning and the radio for Caden. “I’ll just be a minute, son.”

Rylie waited outside my car. We’d both driven separately to the beach. As much as I wanted to never let her out of my sight, leaving her car behind is dumb.

“Are you sure we should do this?” she asks me.

“I’m sure,” I say. “It’s just dinner.”

“You know it’s more than that.”

“I guess it’s too late to turn back.”

“You want to?”

“What? Turn back the clock? No.”

“You know what I mean. Are you sure?” she asks me with a serious tone in her voice. Her huge brown eyes lock on mine, and I know behind them are fair questions about my intentions and desires.

“I’m as sure as anything I’ve ever put my trust in. You’re unbelievable. Smart and beautiful. It’s a deadly combination.”

“But my father? The army? Your job? Your ex? Your boy?”

“We can work things out. One of those insurmountable obstacles at a time.”

I know the issues do seem that way, especially her father. I’ve been friends with Frank for almost ten years and I believe we’re close. I’m certain he wants the best for his daughter, but also that sometimes he’s overbearing. When it comes to her life, he has to let Rylie make up her own mind.

She gives me a quick hug.

“Raymond’s Fish House at eight,” I burr into her hair.

“I’ll be there,” she says.

We’d decide to take separate vehicles again. I’m guessing she’s not ready to announce to the world that we’re defying the unofficial rules regarding officer’s daughters. I also think she’s more afraid of her father than she’s letting on and I don’t want to scare her away.

As I drive to drop off at Marta’s house, Caden falls asleep. He’s had an incredible day with Rylie. Whatever happens now, good or bad, will affect him as well. I can see he’s already smitten with her. She’s patient, kind, and fun to be with.

This makes things even more complicated. When his mother ran off, I realized I’d been a bad judge of character. While I don’t regret having our son together, I remind myself that I can’t always be trusted when it comes to relationships.

I hope Rylie is different. I’ve known her years so she’s not an insta-love kind of lust. But I do need to know she’s loyal, sincere and faithful if she’s going to be in my life. Our lives.

The restaurant and bar are crowded when I arrive. It’s Saturday night, and we are at one of the best places in town. Our table is going to be at least thirty minutes.

“Let’s get a drink while we wait,” I tell Rylie.

Her light cotton dress clings, revealing curves I can only allow myself moments to imagine without getting bolt hard. I don’t want to stand in a crowded bar with my cock straining my pants like a hormonal teen. That’s what she does to me though and I can barely contain myself.

We squeeze into the crowd at the bar and that closeness makes the bastard throb harder. She accepts her drink from me with a smile. Does she know?

“When did you start collecting beach glass?” I mumble, completely out of my head with raging hunger for her.

“Oh, years ago. My friend Alani introduced me. It’s kind of silly but really fun, like an Easter egg hunt. Or riding on daddy’s shoulders.”

“What are your plans once you pass the bar?” I say as my wood threatens again.

“Oh, God. Don’t remind me about the bar exam. Can tonight just be fun?” she says laughing.
