Page 22 of Major Dad

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Shit.I don’t know what to say to that. I feel close to him. I’ve known Ethan for years, and he’s always been a decent, kind person. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago after his ex-wife ran off, and he was around my dad more often, talking about his divorce, that I started to feel an attraction to him. In my selfish lust I must have missed his pain and any mention of a child. So absorbed in a schoolgirl crush. But now? Now I’m worried.

Military guys, especially handsome ones, are alpha males who do what the hell they want like they own the planet. I don’t know of any good-looking guys in my father’s circle who didn’t outright cheat or get caught planning it. I can count up dozens of divorces. Before mom left dad, I used to listen in on her gossip with her girlfriends. I heard a lot of horror stories.

“Do you think a guy like that can stay faithful?” I ask Alani.

“I don’t know. Men are men,” she says. “But, so what if he treats you good?”

“Yuck,” I say. “You’re telling me you’d tolerate a cheater?”

“If he’s good to me and pays the bills, why not?”

“I don’t want to be that woman, turning a blind eye.”

“It’s not like his dick going wear out,” she says. “Plus he’s a daddy so he’s got responsibility down.”

“Shit,” I say. “Then there’s Caden. I adore the kid, but is Ethan actually that responsible with him?” They’re the poster single dad and son together but I can’t forget how I found Caden playing alone. “I wonder if that really makes a difference. It didn’t in my case. My mom took off.”

Alani waves to the bartender. “Two more.”

“It just complicates things more,” I add.

“Everything stay complicated if you stay breathing.”


I realize she’s right. Life is messy and complicated. Ethan isn’t a saint, I know. But he loves his kid and he’s a good man.

“I know he’s a damn good kisser.” Oops, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

“Finally you got kissed again. About time,” Alani says.

“Oh, yes,” I say smiling so broadly my cheeks hurt.

“Damn girl,” she says smacking my shoulder. “That good?”

“Yeah, it was like a dream.”

As the bartender sets down another round, my mind travels back to kissing Ethan and sharing a chocolate cake. He surprised me with this tenderness, but still, I keep imagining him ravaging me in bed, doing things to me that have never been done. Taking me to places I’ve never been. I fantasize about his naked body on top of me. His engorged hard cock spreading open my tightness, forcing me to surrender to him. Now I’m am blushing, and my panties are wet. I shift in my seat.

“Yeah, you going last until Wednesday?” Alani asks.

I swear she can read my mind. My cheeks flame again and I force my thoughts away from being fucked by Ethan Hayes.

Monday was terrible.

Tuesday is turning out to be worse. My dad had me drive him to work at five in the morning, all gruff and grouchy.

“Don’t be late picking me up,” he barked.

“I won’t.” Christ.

I couldn’t resist snarling under my breath. “I’m not a child.”

“Sometimes I wonder,” he said, leaning in through the open door. Then slamming it to stride towards his office. No ‘goodbye’, not even ‘have a nice day, Honey’ like he usual.

I drive carefully in the light rain as I make my way into the city of Honolulu. I have a lot of errands to run, one of which is to pick up some new sexy underwear, just in case things go as planned with Ethan. I’m still in doubt about how ideal this is as a thing but I do want to be prepared for the fun part Alani insisted on. I’ve even made an appointment at the spa.

The day begins to get better.
