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Chapter 12


The sunlight poured in through the windows, and I immediately put my hand to my head. Based on how bad my head was aching, I’d definitely consumed too much alcohol. I looked over and saw Michelle lying next to me. She looked so beautiful under the covers, her long, blonde hair sprawled out across her back. I wanted to bend down and kiss her good morning.

That’s when I saw Hugo on the other side of her and remembered more about last night. It was quite a wild time, and I was so happy to have had sex with Michelle yet again. Even though I was on board when Hugo said that we needed to focus on the project, since it would give us more leverage in the United States, I couldn’t deny how drawn I was to Michelle. It was like we were meant to be a family.

All three of us.

Not wanting to wake either of them up, I quietly got out of bed and went downstairs to make some coffee. My stairs were carpeted, thereby cushioning my feet along the way. I wasn’t sure how Michelle was first thing in the morning, but I definitely needed caffeine before I started my day. I decided to order some breakfast, too, realizing that all three of us would need to eat after drinking all of that alcohol.

As a pot of coffee was brewing, I heard Hugo’s footsteps in my kitchen. It was fairly early in the morning, and even though I hadn’t woken up next to my brother in years, I remembered that he was an early riser. He used to love hovering pancakes near my face first thing in the morning as a way to get me out of bed, and it worked every time. I may have been younger and not wired with so much energy, but I’d do just about anything for food.

“Good morning,” I said to Hugo. He put his fingers to his lips and sat on the barstool in front of my counter.

“Michelle is still sleeping.” I nodded and pulled two coffee mugs out for us, then opened up my tablet to order some food.

“Are you hungry?” Hugo laughed and nodded. “Last night was something else, wasn’t it?”

“That might have been the best sex of my life, Nico. And I’m surprised that it happened in the first place. Remember when I told you that we needed to focus on the project? Well, I’m sure that Michelle felt the same way. You know how her father is. But she was the one who came on to me.”

I put my tablet down and held his hands up. “Wait, she initiated it?”

I nodded and smiled from ear to ear. “That person who called her was her father. I walked in on them, arguing on the phone. Michelle didn’t discuss the specifics of the call, but I could tell it was about the project. He’s pushing for her to get the deal done, which is kind of odd if you ask me. I mean, he knows these sorts of things don’t happen overnight.”

That actually surprised me about Chase Harrington. He had been in business for decades and was quite successful. He knew that you couldn’t just push things along, plus by the way that Michelle read over the contracts right in front of us, I could tell that he taught her to be meticulous before signing anything.

“Something else must be going on for him to push that hard. You see the way she goes over each document, Hugo. The woman’s a professional. That doesn’t make any sense.” Hugo shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, whatever it is, I’m certainly in no rush to see her go back home.”

“Neither am I,” I immediately said. “God, when I walked out onto the balcony and saw you two, I immediately got hard. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, Hugo.”

“You got that right. We were talking about our dads and how hard they’ve been on us. I kept trying to calm her down, but the longer we spoke, the more aroused we became. Michelle didn’t even have to tell me, either. When she gets aroused, her--“

“Breasts bounce up and down on their own,” I said. Hugo looked at me and shook his head.

“Wow, man. We’re even completing each other’s sentences now?”

I knew what he was talking about. Ever since we started fooling around with Michelle, Hugo and I had grown closer. It was like she was the glue that was keeping us together, even though we had been close ever since we were kids. Seeing her happy with him made me happy, and I knew that Hugo felt the same way about me.

“Do you know what the weirdest part is, Hugo? I’m not weirded out at the fact that we had a threesome together. I mean, most straight guys don’t want to be near another naked guy, let alone their own brother. But I was so obsessed with her that it didn’t bother me. If anything, all of it felt normal."

“I know what you mean,” he said. “I want to be with Michelle as much as possible, and it doesn’t bother me that you do too. In fact, I think all three of us get along quite nicely. Waking up with her in between us this morning was heaven. If only it could be that way every day. I also liked waking up next to you, too. It’s like we’re a different kind of family now if that makes sense.”

“Yes,” I replied, “it makes perfect sense. Plus, you’re my best friend.” Hugo smiled at me.

“You’re my best friend, too, Nico. I always want you in my life.”

“And both of us always want Michelle in our lives, too.”

“You know what this means, right?” I nodded at Hugo while pouring us some coffee.

It meant that we would be in some kind of three-way relationship, except that we’d be sharing Michelle. The more I thought about it, the more it made perfect sense. Hugo was a bit more mature and sophisticated, whereas I was still a boy at heart. Michelle could have the best of both worlds with us, and neither Hugo nor I wanted to be apart from her.

“I’m fine with it as long as you are.”

“I say let’s do it, brother.”
